Geological mapping around the gold-bearing main quartz vein of Alagbede area, located about 25km northeast of the Kwara State University, Malete shows that the Basement Complex rocks comprised the ...
Measured δ 18 O for gold-bearing quartz ... in central Africa comprises the Central African Belt that cuts across a major part of the north equatorial countries of Nigeria, Chad, Central African Republic, and Cameroon, and then extends eastwards to Sudan and Uganda (Toteu et al., 2006).
The Bakoshi-Kundila Au deposit is located in the Nigerian Shield in West Africa. In this deposit, Au-bearing pyrite contains inclusions of Au-rich hydrothermal …
OROCAL is a 4th generation family-owned business and has been the leader in natural gold nugget and quartz jewelry for over 50 years. Every piece is proudly made in the USA with most of our gold nugget and gold quartz coming directly from Alaska! While others sell manmade imitations, OROCAL guarantees authentic gold-bearing quartz and …
Geology and genesis of gold bearing quartz ... and Okolom primary gold occurrences are localized within the Precambrian to Lower Paleozoic schist belts of western Nigeria. Gold-bearing veins in ...
The fluid characterisation and oxygen isotope studies of pegmatites in the Igangan area in southwest Nigeria was carried out to delineate the source and evolution of mineralising fluid, and to determine the crystallisation temperature of the pegmatites that are associated with I-type metaluminous granites. The geochemical analysis was carried out …
The variety and possible origin of the Nigerian gold mineralization. Okolom-dogonadji and waya veins as case studies . × ... The objectives of this work were to study field, mineralogy, and geochemical characteristics of gold bearing quartz veins and soils. Euhedral and polygonal magnetite with hematite constituted the major ore minerals.
This paper provides chemical and mineralogical studies on Gold-bearing rock ore. The samples used was sourced from Iperindo at Ilesha Local Government Area of Osun state, Nigeria. 500g of the ore ...
Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of Gold Bearing Quartz Veins and Soils in Parts of Maru Schist Belt Area, Northwestern Nigeria. 2014 •. Dieter Rammlmair. …
The metasedimentary rocks of the Atacora structural unit around Natitingou in Benin are composed of quartzites, quartz muscovite schist and mica schist. Being auriferous, the petrographic, geochemical and structural features of these rocks were investigated to ascertain the source of gold and its relation to structural deformations. …
Nevertheless, not much is known about the potentials of Nigeria's Gold belts, the Dikko area is one that has not received any attention. The paucity of information regarding the emplacement of the Gold-bearing quartz veins is there and there is a general lack of geological data and inconsistencies for the host lithologies.
A gold metallorgeny province (in Nigeria) is a notable concentration of gold deposits within a large region or belt with one of its dimensions reaching hundredths of …
The presence and nature of gold can be better understood through mineralogical and geochemical characterization of weathered materials which derived from weathering of gold-bearing quartz veins in ...
Article: Geology and genesis of gold-bearing quartz veins at Bini Yauri and Okolom in the Pan-African domain of western Nigeria. Geologie en Mijnbouw 67(1): 41-51 ... Garba, I. 1988: The variety and possible origin of the Nigerian gold mineralization . Okolom-Dogonadji and Waya veins as case studies - Variété et origine possible de la ...
In the Pontal auriferous lode, dominant saccharoidal quartz is associated with oligoclase, biotite, hornblende, tremolite-actinolite, sulphides (less than 2%), and disseminated native gold. Four main types of fluid inclusion have been distinguished based on their habit, distribution and spatial relation-ship with gold particles.
The mineralization consisting of gold-quartz vein have been exploited by miners in the past for more than 1km length of strike, the aftermath of which is a series of collapsed N-S trending working, leaving no surface exposure of the gold mineralization. ... Egbe-Isanlu Schist belt of south-western Nigeria lies within the southern part of the ...
Alagbede gold deposit located about 25km northwest of Malete in Moro Local Government Area of Kwara State, West Central Nigeria consists of gold-bearing quartz veins as stringers set in ...
Gold bearing quartz veins and soils samples were crushed, sieved, pulverised with hardened steel, and allowed to pass through 75 [micro]m. Thereafter, major oxide and some trace elements concentration of majority of gold bearing quartz veins collected were analysed with two wave length dispersive X ray fluorescence …
area, Kebbi State, NW Nigeria, using remote sensing Talaat M. Ramadan a,*, ... alteration zones around gold-bearing quartz veins in the East-ern Desert of Egypt. In this respect, Ramadan et al ...
(2014) carried out mineralogical and geochemical characterization of gold-bearing quartz veins and soils in parts of maru schist belt Area, north western Nigeria with the aim of
Nigerian gold mineralization . ... (Kwaga), the gold-bearing quartz bodies (en-echelon veins, boudins, and silici ed phyllites) are hosted by a series of narrow shear .
These gold bearing quartz veins are associated with metamorphosed rocks which range in composition from semi pelitic-pelitic-mafic to ultramafic. ... In Nigeria, several studies on Gold ...
Gold bearing quartz veins and soils samples were crushed, sieved, pulverised with hardened steel, and allowed to pass through 75 𝜇m. Thereafter, major oxide and some trace elements concentration of …
The origin of some Nigerian gold minera- lization by these metamorphic processes seems probable, as examplified by the Okolom-Dogonda- Ji vein mineralization. ... [JH-~ Sil, icified ph yl lit e ~__o~_ Granite gneiss Exo|anation phyllite .~'/~old--bearing quartz veins II Gold-barren quartz veins "~~-. Joints q Roads 60" --~--- Strike/dip of ~o ...
Although gold production in Nigeria began in 1913 and peaked in the 1930s (Ministry of Mines and Steel Development (MMSD) ... Akande SO, Fakorede O, Mucke A (1988) Geology and genesis of gold bearing quartz veins at Bin Yauri and Okolom in the Pan African domain of Western Nigeria. Geol Mijnb 67:41–51. Google Scholar Akinlalu …
Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of Gold Bearing Quartz Veins and Soils in Parts of Maru Schist Belt Area, Northwestern Nigeria J. Geol. Res., 2014 ( 2014 ), pp. 1 - 17, 10.1155/2014/314214
Gold is artisanally mined from eluvial deposits within Osu–Amuta–Itagunmodi areas of Ilesa Schist Belt, southwestern Nigeria. Mine site selection and mining …
Download scientific diagram | Geological map of Nigeria showing the major areas of gold mineralization and location of the study area (Modified after the Geological Survey of Nigeria). from ...
Epigenetic, N-S, NNE-SSW quartz veins crosscut metapelites and metagabbro in Maru area. The objectives of this work were to study field, mineralogy, and geochemical characteristics of gold bearing ...
Epigenetic, N-S, NNE-SSW quartz veins crosscut metapelites and metagabbro in Maru area. The objectives of this work were to study field, mineralogy, and geochemical characteristics of gold bearing quartz veins and soils. Euhedral and polygonal magnetite with hematite constituted the major ore minerals. Quartz occurred as main gangue …
The Pan-African Belt in Nigeria forms part of the Benin-Nigeria (Dahomeyan) shield which is regarded as the southern prolongation of the circumcratonic Pan-African belt of the West African Craton. Structurally controlled, gold-bearing quartz veins were measured and studied in the area from an extensive geological ground investigation.
PDF | On Jan 1, 1988, O. Akande Olu Fakorede Arno Mücke published Geology and genesis of gold-bearing quartz veins at Bini Yauri and Okolom in the Pan-African domain of western Nigeria ...
Alagbede gold deposit located about 25km northwest of Malete in Moro Local Government Area of Kwara State, West Central Nigeria consists of gold-bearing quartz veins as stringers set in ...
Gold mineralization is mainly confined within quartz-carbonate and sulfide-bearing quartz veins within sheared, altered rocks, while listvenitization plays a significant role in gold concentration ...
In gold-bearing quartz samples, the concentrations of Cu, As, Ag, and Sb are positively correlated with Au at the degree of shear deformation. According to data gathered from the fire assay ...
This research examined field characteristics, mineralogical and geochemical composition of gold bearing quartz veins and soils and used the aforementioned to …