Both straight-grate and grate-kiln furnaces have been accepted in the iron ore industry. Both are considered to be roughly equal when comparing overall costs and expenses versus the final product ...
sintering, the welding together of small particles of metal by applying heat below the melting point.The process may be used in steel manufacturing—to form complex shapes, to produce alloys, or to work in metals with very high melting points.In a steel-sintering plant a bed of powdered iron ore, mixed with coke or anthracite, is ignited by a gas burner and …
L. F. Verdeja (2017) Iron Ore Sintering: Process, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy. Review, 38:4, 215-227, DOI: 10.1080/08827508.2017.1288115 ... the sintering grate is a continuous ...
Abstract: A mathematical model of drying and preheating processes in a traveling grate was presented based on the laws of mass, momen-tum, heat transfer, and drying …
A model of the iron ore sintering process has been developed with the objective of being representative of the sinter pot test, the standard laboratory process in which the behaviour of specific ...
Sintering is an agglomeration process that fuses iron ore fines, fluxes, recycled products, slag-forming elements and coke. The purpose of sintering is to obtain a product with suitable...
Iron ore sintering consists of heating a layer of fines until partial melting occurs and individual ore particles fuse together. For this purpose, a traveling-grate machine is used, and the burning of fine coke (known as coke breeze) within the ore generates the necessary heat. Before being delivered to the sinter machine, the ore mixture is ...
product, commonly known as sinter, is the major feed to Blast Furnace to produce hot metal. The hot metal is fur-ther refined in a convertor to produce steel. In the iron ore sintering process, sinter mix consisting of the fines of iron ore, limestone, dolomite and solid fuel is mixed with water, granulated and charged on a traveling grate.
Traveling grate is a widely used process for iron ore pellet production; however, the thermal state of pellets in drying section is still unclear. In this study, the temperature distribution of drying section was investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Based on the calculated results of airflow velocity, space temperature …
The temperature profile of the iron ore pellet bed in a traveling grate was systematically measured in China. The bed mean temperatures were achieved with the pellets bed height of 0, 70, 120, and 180 mm, respectively, as shown in Fig. 3. In addition, the weighted average method was used
During the iron ore sintering process in iron and steel manufacturing, ... The raw materials are sometimes mixed with water to provide a cohesive matrix, and then placed on a continuous, travelling …
Sintering is the most economic and widely used agglomeration process to prepare iron ore fines for blast furnace use. Owing to the depleting reserves of traditional high grade iron ore, there have been considerable changes in iron ore resources available throughout the world, especially in steel mills in East Asia.
Fig 2 Flowsheet of straight travelling grate process. ... Normally pellets are reduced considerably faster than sinter as well as iron ore lumps. High porosity also helps in better metallization in DRI production. Pellets have a …
The thermal state of iron ore pellets during traveling-grate processes is complex, and sintering is a complex coupling process involving multiple physical factors. In this study, the temperature distribution during updraught drying (UDD) is investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and orthogonal testing. Based on the calculated …
Iron Ore Sintering Bed ... coke and limestone form a bed on a traveling grate as shown in Fig. 1(a). Air is supplied to the bed by a down draft suction fan. The combustion commences at the top
The iron ore production has significantly expanded in recent years, owing to increasing steel demands in developing countries. However, the content of iron in ore deposits has deteriorated and low-grade iron …
A mathematical model of drying and preheating processes in a traveling grate was presented based on the laws of mass, momentum, heat transfer, and drying semiempirical relations. A field test was systematically carried out in a traveling grate. The effects of pellet diameter, moisture, grate velocity, and inlet gas temperature on the …
The process for pelletizing iron ore fines is an important operation unit for producing high quality of raw materials for the subsequent reduction processes such as blast furnace or direct reduction. The process essentially involves production of green pellets and induration on a traveling grate furnace to promote inner partial melt and ...
Iron ore sinter is an ordinarily utilized iron-bearing burden in BF iron-making unit. The sintering agglomeration procedure aims to form high strength sinter including granulating of the mixed materials, distributing the granulated materials and then igniting the fuels (coke or coal), sintering the iron-bearing materials by the combustion of fuel in a …
The paper presents a software that allows one to simulate the traveling grate furnace, evaluating product and process characteristics. The simulation follows a deterministic, fundamental-based mathematical model of the TGF, which considers the gas network, predicts pellet properties and energy consumption and productivity ofthe process.
The thermal state of iron ore pellets during traveling-grate processes is complex, and sintering is a complex coupling process involving multiple physical factors. ... Coke combustion is the main ...
The sinter is produced in the sinter plant by agglomeration of the charge which consists of iron ore fines, fluxes and fine-grained recycled iron-containing materials such as dusts, sludge and scale. Due to the high volume of off-gas from the sintering process, sinter plants are responsible for a significant proportion of the atmospheric ...
In iron making process, sintering of iron ore fines is an integral step to utilize not only the ore fines but also to introduce a part of flux (limestone and dolomite) along with the sinter in blast furnace burden. ... At the Institute (CSIR-IMMT}, a sintering pot grate furnace facility of 400 × 400 × 730 mm size, with a suction blower having ...
The sinter pot has a grate area of 0.075 m 2 and a variable depth ranging from 0.5 to ... it takes time for water to travel through particles to reach the surface of ore particles and through particle porosity to reach the inner pores of ore particles. ... Iron ore sinter typically constitutes more than 70% of the blast furnace ferrous burden ...
Magnetite iron ore pellets are produced by agglomerating moist, finely ground magnetite concentrate together with a binder in balling drums or balling discs to pellets, typically between 9 and 15 mm in diameter. In the Grate Kiln pelletizing process, the wet green pellets are loaded on a travelling grate with a bed height of 23 cm.
For the pelletizing of iron ore there are two main types of processes namely, the straight travelling grate (STG) process and the grate kiln (GK) process. In the STG process, a stationary bed of pellets is transported on an endless travelling grate through the drying, oxidation, sintering and cooling zones.
World resources are estimated to be greater than 800 billion tons of crude ore containing more than 230 billion tons of iron. The only source of primary iron is iron ore, but before all that iron ore can be turned into steel, it must go through the sintering process. Sinter is the primary feed material for making iron and steel in a blast furnace.
The thermal state of iron ore pellets during traveling-grate processes is complex, and sintering is a complex coupling process involving multiple physical factors.
FeO so formed combines with SiO 2 and fluxes resulting in the formation of fluxed sinter.. The flexibility of the sintering process permits conversion of a variety of materials, including iron ore fines, captured dusts, ore concentrates, and other iron-bearing materials of small particle size (e.g., mill scale) into a clinker-like agglomerate.
The premier, proven burner for iron ore sintering and pelletizing plants using straight/traveling grate kilns. I-Jet can also be used in a number of other applications such as hot gas generators, calciners and pre-heat chambers. ... Traveling grate kiln for iron-ore. Product Details: Gaseous or Liquid fuel systems. 0.5 – 20MW; Fuel flexible ...
DOI: 10.1016/jpchemeng.2015.04.035 Corpus ID: 31017940; Predictive models and operation guidance system for iron ore pellet induration in traveling grate-rotary kiln process @article{Fan2015PredictiveMA, title={Predictive models and operation guidance system for iron ore pellet induration in traveling grate-rotary kiln process}, …
HYBRID PELLETIZED SINTERING. HPS is characterized by micro pellets with high mechanical strength, measuring between 2 mm and 8 mm. HPS feed consists of iron …
UCC Environmental (UCC) Traveling Grates are specifically designed for iron ore sintering and pelletizing processes. Our dedicated team of Quality Assurance …
Basic sintering technology . The sintering technology is basically an agglomeration process for the iron ore fines which is dependent on heat to melt the surface of the smaller particles together to form larger agglomerates. A typical sinter plant consists of a number of sequential operating units with the sinter machine at the heart of the plant.
Iron ore sinter are virtually all produced in travelling-grate installations (fig 2).The process of sintering begins with the preparation of the raw materials consisting of iron ore fines, fluxes, in-plant metallurgical waste materials, fuel and return fines of the sinter plant. These materials are mixed in a rotating drum and water is added in ...