2001) is widely accepted in industry and is the framework within which most monitoring and numerical modelling results in caving mines are interpreted. The Duplancic model was created based primarily on simple microseismic analysis and linear elastic numerical modelling of one case study. At the time, it provided a much-needed …
mine design. 2 Methodology This section describes the methodologies used to evaluate four production level layouts that can be used in block caving. The base case considered to define the input parameters is a Chilean copper mine, where the El Teniente layout is used, with production drifts oriented N15°W of 4.2 × 3.9 m2 spaced 30 × 17.3 m2 ...
A combination of preconditioning by hydraulic fracturing and confined blasting referred to as intensive preconditioning was implemented at a major panel caving operation. The aim is to alter rock mass behaviour in a manner that could improve caving mechanics and extraction performance. A benchmark study involving data collected …
The Ridgeway Deeps block cave project involved development of resources below the Ridgeway Underground mine at a depth of 300m to about 1,100m. …
Rock fragment size is a key variable in several mining stages such as underground mine design, equipment selection, and mineral processing. In Block Caving, rock fragment sizes are affected by fragmentation during gravity flow in the ore column while ore is being extracted from drawpoints. Additionally, smaller fragments can …
Block Caving mine in Chile (El Teniente) had included in our first manuscript, while the Lvivvuhillia SE Mine (Ukraine) and the 10th Anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence Mine (Kazakhstan) had not included. ... As quantitative values for comparison, Ridgeway Deeps has 0.38% Cu and 1.80 g/t Au [83]. While El-Teniente ore body has 0.62-0.98% ...
El Teniente Mine (Esmeralda), Chile 169% Millan and Brzovic (2013) Data obtained for Block 1 (Esmeralda Mine). Swell factor obtained based on broken ore density of 1.6 t/m3 and intact rock density of 2.7 t/m3. Ridgeway Deeps Mine, Australia 104–112% Sharrock et al. (2012) Data obtained over an 8 month period coinciding with the
Full scale marker experiments were designed and implemented at the Ridgeway Deeps block cave mine from March 2008 to October 2010. The experiments aimed at quantifying and assessing the geometry of the extraction zone, development of the extraction zone over time, variability of flow behaviour, and factors affecting flow behaviour in both the near …
Introduction. Block Caving is an underground mining method in which high productivity and low operational costs are expected when applied to thick low-grade ore bodies. 1, 2 Using this process, the broken ore is extracted from the bottom of the ore body after the initial undercutting. The undercutting induces progressive rock mass caving …
The PMCHS ore handling system for Lift 1 was reengineered, aiming to capture the latest improvements in existing technology, such as the application of large-scale rock mass engineering, with higher capacity loaders and crushers able to process larger sized boulders tipped directly from large bucket loaders. The ore handling system …
Download reference work entry PDF. Block caving is a mining ore mining method in which deep hole or medium-deep hole drilling blasting technology is applied for caving at one time in a stage. The layout of ore blocks and extracting technology are generally similar to that of sublevel caving method with sill pillar and external force of …
of the Ridgeway sublevel cave. The success of that mine led to a significant expansion into block caving operations, first at Ridgeway Deeps, and then to the now established Cadia East operations. What makes Cadia unique is the high-stress, hard rock mining conditions combined with the ability to
A deformation monitoring plan for extraction level drives at Ridgeway Deeps block cave mine R.J. Lowther et al. 94 Caving 2010, Perth, Australia into which drawbells and drawpoint drives are developed. Figure 1 displays a plan view schematic of the extraction level, with the undercut geometry superimposed. Completed undercut outline
Over the last 20 years Newcrest has developed unique capabilities within the caving industry to efficiently mine deep and low-grade deposits, transitioning from Sublevel Caving in Ridgeway and Telfer during the early 2000's and more recently to Block Caving at Ridgeway Deeps, Cadia East PC-1 and PC-2.
Over the last 20 years Newcrest has developed unique capabilities within the caving industry to efficiently mine deep and low-grade deposits, transitioning from Sublevel Caving in Ridgeway and Telfer during the early 2000's and more recently to Block Caving at Ridgeway Deeps, Cadia East PC-1 and PC-2. (Dunstan & Popa 2012; Manca & …
What and Why Block Caving? What : Block (gravity) caving is a bulk underground mining method, which allows large low-grade deposits to be mined underground. This method involves undermining the orebody to make it collapse under its own weight into a series of chambers from which the ore extracted. It is a useful technique to
The success of that mine led to a significant expansion into block caving operations, first at Ridgeway Deeps, and then to the now established Cadia East operations. What makes Cadia unique is the high-stress, hard rock mining conditions combined with the ability to maximise investor returns through the use of very high lift heights at depths ...
Full Scale Near Field Flow Behaviour at the Ridgeway Deeps Block Cave Mine - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Full scale marker …
caving rate is constant (based on the use of a constant volume increase coefficient). Several case studies later showed that these assumptions were incorrect. Studies by Beck [6] at the Ridgeway Deeps Mine in Australia have shown that sometimes caving initiations may not occur on part of the undercut area.
Panel caving; Production Start: 1998: Mine Life: 2057: Snapshot: Cadia is one of the world's largest gold and copper mining operations. ... The Ridgeway Deeps Lift 1 block cave operation was mined between 2007 and 2015 and was Newcrest's first block cave operation. The change to block caving was introduced after the identification that the ...
Touted as the deep mining method of the future, block caving is an underground mass-mining method that allows for the bulk extraction of large, relatively lower-grade ore deposits that are vertical in orientation. ... Planview of extraction level of Block Caving mine. Colour represents draw point status. ...
Block caving mining method is one of the most viable and preferred mass underground mining methods for low grade orebody. However, in combined surface and underground mining, the breakthrough of an underground caving under an open pit may result in subsidence at the bottom of the pit. This can pose a serious threat for the …
The Ridgeway underground mine and Cadia Extended open cut mine were developed shortly afterwards and commenced production in 2002 and 2003, respectively, with Ridgeway expanding into block cave mining in 2009.
A traditional block caving mine considers the development of an undercut level that allows blocky or veined rock masses to fracture, fail, and unravel when the undercut area is large enough. Once caving initiates, the rock mass progressively fails when induced stresses overcome the rock mass strength and when fractured rock …
Study of the impact of rock mass preconditioning on a Block Caving Mine Operation. 3 rd international symposium on block and sublevel caving: Caving 2014, Santiago, Chile, 515-524. Factores Clave ...
Full scale marker experiments were designed and implemented at the Ridgeway Deeps block cave mine from March 2008 to October 2010. The experiments aimed at quantifying and assessing the geometry of the extraction zone, development of the extraction zone over time, variability of flow behaviour, and factors affecting flow behaviour in both the near …
Glenn Sharrock — ITASCA Australia 28/06/2024 2 Brunton, I., Sharrock, G.B. (2012) 'Full scale marker trials at Ridgeway deeps block cave mine' Proc. Massmin 2012 Conference, Sudbury. Tibbett, J.., Sharrock, G.B., Hebblewhite, B.K. (2012) 'A review on the effects of faults on the mechanics of cave propagation', Proc. Massmin 2012 Conference, Sudbury.
Deep Ore Zone (DOZ) Mine is an underground mine with block caving method within The East Erstberg Skarn System (EESS) deposit. Safe ground condition is the most important thing on production stage ...
The use of block caving to mine ores and rocks of kimberlite deposits in Yakutia (Udachnaya, Yubileynaya Mir pipes) will ensure high economic efficiency and productivity, reduce damage to …
1 Introduction Block caving is a mining method which has been increasingly implemented in recent times due to its cost eficiency and high production rates. The lack of access to the orebody, which is characteristic of the block caving method, results in a poor knowledge of the state of the rock mass inside the ore column.
RIDGEWAY DEEPS & CADIA EAST. KSM PROPERTY. Cave Mines and Projects. EL TENIENTE. ANDINA. SALVADOR. SAN MANUEL. HENDERSON. ... Peru Cerro Verde Indonesia Cadia-Ridgeway Mine, New South Wales x USA Ajo, Arizona Indonesia Northparkes, New South Wales x ... Block Caving Cu-Au Porphyry Author: Jarek …
Ridgeway Deeps is a block cave (BC) located down dip of the operating Ridgeway sublevel cave (SLC) mine. The BC is located approximately 210 m vertically below the lowest …
Cadia Valley Operations is a gold mine in Australia that uses block and panel caving methods in hard rock and high-stress environments. The paper summarises the key …
The block cave forms the continuation of the existing Ridgeway sublevel cave (SLC) operation that has been actively mined since 2000. The sublevel cave commenced at a …
Cave mining techniques, including block caving and sublevel caving, are being employed in various mines around the world. ... Block Caving Chengchao Iron Mine Wuhan Iron & Steel Company Unknown SLC Chuquicamata Codelco ... Ridgeway Deeps Newcrest C&M Block Caving San Manuel BHP Closed ...
Over the last 20 years Newcrest has developed unique capabilities within the caving industry to efficiently mine deep and low-grade deposits, transitioning from Sublevel …