Add Sikament®-686 directly into the freshly mixed concrete, or as an integral material in the batching cycle. Do NOT mix with dry cement. Sikament®-686 may be dispensed on-site directly prior to placement. …
A new range of Sika cement additives and concrete admixtures for cement and concrete producers is being developed. These new products enable customers to adapt their materials to the new characteristics of calcined clay or LC³ without compromising quality or …
Sika offers a range of products and solutions from Sika Concrete such as admixtures and additives to be used as part of a concrete system. Find out more here. Sika Group. Countries ... Cement and concrete are core competencies of Sika. From the production of cement to extensive ready-mixed concrete operations; from site-batched concrete on ...
SikaControl® SC is a shrinkage compensating and reduction admixture used to produce concrete with reduced potential for drying shrinkage, cracking and curling. ... SikaControl® SC can be used in combination with other Sika admixtures and can be successfully used in mix designs utilizing supplementary cementitious materials. ...
Shotcrete Solutions; Sika is the expert in all sprayed concrete technologies, including both wet and dry spray processes. This allows us to provide the optimum solution for each type of project and application, including the development of our own Aliva sprayed concrete machines.When combined with our research, development and globalized production of …
Sika strongly recommends that appropriate, sound curing practices be followed to protect fresh concrete from excessive heat loss in extreme weather conditions. Combination with Other Admixtures SikaSet® NC is highly effective as a single admixture or in combination with other admixtures in the Sika System.
Benefitting from the expertise of the Sika Group - the second largest producer of concrete admixtures in the world, Sika Canada offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of admixtures and additives available on the market. We can serve clients across Canada in the production of concrete for virtually all residential, commercial, industrial ...
CHROMIX® L Admixtures for Color-Conditioned® Concrete is designed to have minimal effect on concrete plastic and hardened properties, and to minimally interact with other Sika concrete admixtures. As all competitive chemical admixture interactions cannot be predicted, always test final mix designs with actual materials to be used, and perform ...
Sika® AIR is an organic aqueous solution for the air entrainment of concrete. Sika® AIR meets the requirements of ASTM C260/AASHTO M 154. Home. Countries Choose a country. ... Sika® AIR can be used in combination with other Sika admixtures and can be successfully used in mix designs utilizing supplementary cementitious materials. …
SikaTard®-440 is a hydration controlling admixture to control the hydration of cement. The use of SikaTard®-440 allows the concrete producer to stabilize concrete mixes for long periods without negatively affecting concrete durability. SikaTard®-440 can also be used stabilize returned concrete and re-use it. SikaTard®-440 can also be used in concrete …
Sika develops and markets a complete range of admixtures and additives for use in concrete, cement and mortar production. These products enhance specific properties of the fresh and hardened concrete, such as workability, watertightness, durability, or early and final strength.
Sika offers a range of concrete admixtures to enhance the properties of fresh and hardened concrete, such as workability, durability and strength. Learn how Sika's …
Sika® Stabilizer-4 R is a ready to use liquid-based viscosity modifying admixture. Sika® Stabilizer-4 R improves stability and segregation resistance of concrete mixes without significant reduction of slump or flow, resulting in improved surface quality and aesthetics. Sika® Stabilizer-4 R is suitable for various types of concrete. Sika® Stabilizer-4 R has …
Sika provides a wide range of concrete admixtures with innovative options for concrete mix design, whether it's for substantially reducing the water content of a mix (e.g. with …
Sika® Plastocrete®-161 is a lignin-based, normal range water reducing admixture. Sika® Plastocrete®-161 meets the requirements of ASTM C494/AASHTO M 194, Type A, B, & D.
Hydrophobic Pore-Blocking Admixture, ACI 212 - Report on Chemical Admixtures for Concrete ̃ Sika Watertight Concrete Powder couples the action of a hydrophobic pore blocker with a powerful densifier, allowing production of …
The standard dosage of Sika®-1 WT in concrete is 9 l/m 3. Sika®-1 WT can be used in conjunction with selected Plastiment®, Sikamen®t, SikaPlast® and Sika® ViscoCrete® plasticising admixtures, the Sika®-1 WT being added separately to …
Sika's set controlling admixtures allow producers and contractors to manage the consistency and set times of concrete during extreme temperatures and the most demanding situations. Whether you need to pump concrete for over a mile, or winter's chill is doing its best to keep you from placing concrete, Sika can help deliver quality and ...
of ready-mixed concrete with Sika admixtures were poured in one continuous operation, setting a Guinness World Record. Chemical Admixtures Are One of the Components in High Performance Concrete. The first step in optimizing concrete is to recognize that concrete is no longer simply cementitious materials, aggregates and water. It is a high ...
Master Builders Solutions includes concrete admixtures, concrete protection and repair, flooring, grouting, sealants, waterproofing, air- and water-resistive barriers, and underground construction products ... Admixture Systems and Construction Systems, are fully owned by Sika. Sika uses the trademark "Master Builders Solutions" under license ...
Sika® Watertight Concrete Powder is a combined water resisting and HRWR/Superplasticising admixture, used to enhance the workability of and reduce the water permeability of concrete. The product incorporates Sika® ViscoCrete Superplasticiser Technology and, depending on the material package, can produce …
Shotcrete Solutions; Sika is the expert in all sprayed concrete technologies, including both wet and dry spray processes. This allows us to provide the optimum solution for each type of project and application, including the development of our own Aliva sprayed concrete machines.When combined with our research, development and globalized production of …
SikaControl® NS is a shrinkage reducing/compensating admixture used to produce high performance concrete with reduced potential for drying shrinkage, cracking and curling. ... SikaControl® NS can be used in combination with other Sika admixtures and can be successfully used in mix designs utilizing supplementary cementitious materials.
Learn about various types of concrete admixtures, their characteristics, European and ASTM standards and applications. Find out how Sika products can help you design and …
Sika® CNI is a calcium nitrite-based admixture designed to inhibit the corrosion of steel in reinforced concrete. Sika® CNI contains a minimum of 30% calcium nitrite by mass and meets the requirements of ASTM C1582, Corrosion Inhibiting Admixture and ASTM C494 / AASHTO M194 Type C.
Sika provides a wide range of concrete admixtures with innovative options for concrete mix design, whether it's for substantially reducing the water content of a mix (e.g. with Sika® ViscoCrete), using a more economical …
Concrete Admixtures. Back to Products & Systems; Concrete Admixtures Concrete Reinforcing Fibers Dry Cast Admixtures ... SIKA'S HISTORY OF INNOVATION BEGAN IN 1910 WITH THE CREATION OF AN INTEGRAL WATERPROOFING ADMIXTURE - "SIKA 1". Since that time, Sika has continually improved on these technologies and introduced …
Sika concrete admixtures not only meet high requirements for durability, they fit the trends of modern concrete placing and architecture aspects in combination with ecological …
Air entrainment in concrete is a necessity for any areas which will experience cycles of freezing and thawing. By adding in consistently sized and spaced air bubbles at the correct percentage, durability of concrete is dramatically improved. Sika's line of air entraining admixtures comply with the standards set forth in ASTM C260.
Sika® Watertight Concrete Powder is a combined water resisting and HRWR/Superplasticizing admixture used to enhance the workability and reduce the water permeability of concrete. When added to concrete, the HRWR component in the admixture allows for the reduction in the water-cementitious ratio and reduces the large capillary …
Sika® WT-100 series is a range of pore blocking admixtures. Sika® WT-200 series is a range of crystalline pore-blocking and enhancement self-healing admixtures. Sika® ViscoCrete® can be used for lower water-cement ratio, which reduces the size of the capillary structure.
Sika concrete admixtures not only meet high requirements for durability, they fit the trends of modern concrete placing and architecture aspects in combination with ecological requirements. Sika Admixture Technology. Brochure. PDF - 1 (en) Send us an Enquiry ...
Concrete Admixtures. Back to Products & Systems; Concrete Admixtures Concrete Reinforcing Fibers Dry Cast Admixtures ... For more than one hundred years, Sika has been producing high quality, …
Sika provides a wide range of concrete admixtures with innovative options for concrete mix design, whether it's for substantially, reducing the water content of a mix, achieving high early strength, improving concrete quality, workability, acceleration or retardation of setting time while using a more economical mix design.
CHROMIX® Admixtures for Color-Conditioned® Concrete are pre-packaged, easy to disperse bags of integral coloring admixture that permanently color decorative architectural concrete placements, precast structures, and other cementitious materials. With additives carefully blended into the composition, CHROMIX® Admixtures for Color-Conditioned® …
Use Sika Admixtures to improve the durability, workability, and strength of your concrete mix. ultraproducts About; Bulk Discounts; Contact; 01708 855698 Calls charged at local rate; ... That's why Sika provides a wide range of concrete admixtures to suit a variety of construction needs.