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periodical effect of cement dust pollution on the growth of in Mexico

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Chronic cement dust load induce novel damages …

Cement dust is estimated as a risk factor for plant growth and development. In summary, our data showed that cement dust load …

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Effects of cement-kiln dust pollution on the vegetation and …

There is very little information on effects of particulate pollution from cement factories in the Middle East and northeastern Africa. Variations of natural vegetation, germinable soil seed bank and species diversity were therefore investigated amongst four study sites situated at different distances from the Suez Cement Company …

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Exposure effect to cement dust pollution: a mini review

The aim of this paper is to illuminate the impacts of cement production emissions on the environment. Various research work has shown that countries in sub-Saharan Africa, suffer the most from environmental pollution especially air pollution. One of such contributing factors is the behavioural pattern of workers and traders living close …

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Periodical effects of cement dust pollution on some plants …

It was concluded that the cement dust had a significant effect on the plant growth. A. indica was found to be less affected by cement dust pollution, while C. …

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Cement dust pollution induces toxicity or deficiency of some …

However, Ca and Fe contents were determined to be low in plants growing in 0–100 m area from the factory. Results of the study can contribute to understand how …

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Z. I. Muhammad and S. Muhammad, "Periodical Effect of Cement Dust

Z. I. Muhammad and S. Muhammad, "Periodical Effect of Cement Dust Pollution on the Growth of Some Plant Species," Turkish Journal of Botany, Vol. 2, No. 5, 2001, pp. 19-24. ... Laboratory Evaluation of the Impact of Contaminants on Soil Resistivity and the Consequent Effect on Plant's Growth. Wilfred N. Igboama, Nicholas U. Ugwu.

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Impacts of particulate matter pollution on plants: …

The cement dust as the source of PM, deposits on the plants and hence producing significant effect. Cement kiln dust decreased height, biomass and net productivity in plants (Prasad et al., 1991). Jahan and Iqbal (1992) observed reduction in leaf blade area of five tree species as a result of extensive dust and SO 2 pollution.

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Circular solutions vital to curb enviro harm from cement and concrete

The Imagina cultural centerin León, Mexico, is a modern building constructed not of concrete, but of local natural materials: clay adobe, wood and brick, with all 3,500 square meters (about ...

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Forty soil samples from 15 cm. depth were collected during Nov. 2009 from the surroundings of Hirmi cement plant, Raipur district (India). Chemical analysis of these samples indicated that due to effect of cement dust pollution the soil properties like pH, electrical conductivity, calcium carbonate content increased significantly. Similarly the …

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Effect of heavy metals in the cement dust pollution on …

This present study illustrated the effect of heavy metals in cement dust pollution on Cenchrus ciliaris L. This wild plant species spread surrounding and within …

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(PDF) Effect of heavy metals in the cement dust pollution …

PDF | On Nov 11, 2020, Tawfiq Alfaifi and others published Effect of heavy metals in the cement dust pollution on morphological and anatomical characteristics of Cenchrus ciliaris L.-NC-ND license ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Periodical Effect of Cement Dust Pollution on the Growth of …

TLDR. The high plant survival rates, together with mild morphoanatomic traits alterations in leaves, indicate that G. ulmifolia is more resistant to cement dust pollutant, followed by …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Periodical Effect of Cement Dust Pollution on the Growth …

Abstract. A significant reduction in plant cover, height and number of leaves for Carissa carandas L. was observed. Azadirachta indica (L.) A.Juss. showed no significant …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Morphological response of a cactus to cement dust pollution

The study focused on the morphological response of Tephrocactus aoracanthus to cement pollution. • The cactus response was studied through …

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Dust Pollution And Its Effects In Construction Sites ZaniarTokmechi. Department of Civil Engineering, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran [2] Cement dust pollution on growth and yield attributes of groundnut. 1Department of Botany, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608 002,Tamilnadu India

  • منتوجات جديدة
Chronic cement dust load induce novel damages in foliage …

Iqbal MZ, Shafiq M. Periodical effect of cement dust pollution on the growth of some plant species. Turk. J. Bot. 2000; 25:19–24. [Google Scholar] ... Novak K, et al. Ozone air pollution effects on tree-ring growth, δ13C, visible foliar injury and leaf gas exchange in three ozone-sensitive woody plant species. Tree Physiol. 2007; …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Effect of cement dust pollution on germination and …

International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2011, 1/1:25-30 ... In that way the present research work carried out cement dust pollution on germination growth and biochemical of groudnut ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
RESEARCH PAPER Effect of cement dust on

been carried out on the effects of cement dust pollution on the growth of plants. The pollutants when absorbed by the leaves that can cause a reduction in the concentration of photosynthetic pigments viz., chlorophyll and carotenoids, which directly affect to the plant productivity. Chlorophyll is the principal photoreceptor in photosynthesis,

  • منتوجات جديدة
Impact of Cement Industry Pollution on Morphological …

This study was aimed to know the effect of cement industry pollutants viz. SO2, NOx and PM, on morphological as well as yield characteristics of wheat (Triticum sp.) plants grown at different distance from the cement industry at Kodinar, Gujarat, India. The wheat plant near the industry showed deterioration in morphological characteristics. The study indicated …

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Morphological response of a cactus to cement dust pollution

1. Introduction. Atmospheric dust is a major source of pollution, especially in dry climates. Mineral dust from industrial activities is a source of heavy metals, many of which are known to be toxic (Gbadebo and Bankole, 2007).Industrial production of cement is prominent among industrial activities as a major emitter of noise, gas and particulate …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Environmental impact of cement dust pollution on foliar …

The data revealed that cement dust had an adverse effect on morphological and biochemical characteristics of the crops, and differential level of crop sensitivity to cement dust was markedly evident. The present paper evaluates the results of field experiments conducted during two consecutive growth seasons (2008–2009) to …

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The effect of cement dust pollution on growth and …

DOI: 10.1016/0143-1471(80)90084-7 Corpus ID: 84430293; The effect of cement dust pollution on growth and metabolism of Helianthus annuus @article{Borka1980TheEO, title={The effect of cement dust pollution on growth and metabolism of Helianthus annuus}, author={Gyula Borka}, journal={Environmental Pollution Series A, Ecological …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Chronic cement dust load induce novel damages in foliage …

About the journal; Publish with us; Sign up for alerts; RSS feed; nature. ... M. Periodical effect of cement dust pollution on the growth of some plant species. Turk. J. Bot. 25, 19–24 (2000).

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Environmental impact of cement production and …

2. Impact of cement production2.1. Air pollution. Dust emissions are a major source of environmental pollution during cement manufacturing, for example, dust is generated during transportation, loading and unloading of the clinker to be deposited outside the silo [23], [24].CO 2 is indeed one of the major greenhouse gas emissions …

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The present work has been carried out under the impact of cement dust pollution in the vicinity of Banjari cement factory. The selected crop pisumsativum have been studies which grow under cement dust pollution Result of effect revealed to undergo stages of growth as compare to control crop. Cement dust emittion from cement factory is ...

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Cement manufacturing industries are responsible for environmental degradation at regional and global level. This study was undertaken the effect of port land cement on three different legume crops in pot. The cement treatment differently influenced on germination and biomass of all studied bean crops. Statistically, the root length of Vigna radiata was …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Effect of heavy metals in the cement dust pollution on …

DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2020.11.015 Corpus ID: 228839129; Effect of heavy metals in the cement dust pollution on morphological and anatomical characteristics of Cenchrus ciliaris L.

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Periodical Effect of Cement Dust Pollution on the …

D. regiawas moderately affected by cement dust pollution. The analysis of the cement dust showed that it had a high percentage of maximum water holding capacity (65.72%) with fine soil textural class.

  • منتوجات جديدة
Periodical effect of cement dust pollution on the growth …

APA : IQBAL M, SHAFİG M (2001). Periodical effect of cement dust pollution on the growth of some plant species., 19 - 24. Chicago: IQBAL Muhammad Zafar,SHAFİG Muhammad Periodical effect of cement dust pollution …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Cement dust pollution on growth and yield attributes of …

Increased concentration of cement dust pollutants causes invisible injuries like progressive decline in the physiological process such as photosynthetic ability and respiration rate of leaves. Similarly, visible injuries such as closure leaf stomata, a marked reduction in growth and productivity were observed due to cement dust. The present …

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(PDF) The Effect of Cement Dust Pollution on Celosia Argentea (Lagos

Upon growing, the spinach plants were polluted with 10.2 g mG2 cement dust at 3 days interval, between the 40th and 100th days of their growth. The results showed that cement dust had ...

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3196 Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences STATISTICAL ANALYSIS The statistical analysis of experimental results was carried out by SPSS version 11.0 was used for the statistical analysis. ... Effects of cement dust on the growth, development, major metabolic processes and yield of winter barely in situ and under controlled conditions ...

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Growth, Physiological and Anatomical Behaviour of …

Effect of cement dust pollution on plant growth attributes: The results in Table 1 showed the plant growth attributes of Cynanchum acutum at different distances from cement

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Effect of Cement Dust Pollution on Morphology and …

was carried out to assess the effect of cement dust pollution on growth and biochemical properties of selected legume crops viz. Arachis hypogaea L., Vigna mungo L., V. radiata L. and Cajanus cajan L. with a view of elucidating the changes that are induced in these plants and identify the tolerant species which can

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These compositions affect vegetative growth (Asubiojo et al., 1991; Ade-Ademilua and Umebese, 2007). Proximate and nutrient analyses of edible plant and vegetables play a crucial role in assessing their nutritional significance (Pandey et al., 2006). ... Periodical Effect of Cement Dust Pollution on the Growth of Some Plant Species. M. Iqbal M ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Effect of heavy metals in the cement dust pollution on …

Periodical effect of cement dust pollution on the growth of some plant species. Turk. J. Bot., 25 (2001), pp. 19-24. Google Scholar. ... Cement dust pollution on growth and yield attributes of ground nut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Int. Multidisciplinary Rese. J., 1 (1) (2011), pp. 31-36.

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