Carbonaceous sulfidic gold ores are commonly double refractory and thus require pretreatment before gold extraction. In this paper, the capacity of pre-bio-oxidation can simultaneously decompose sulfides or deactivate carbonaceous matters (CM) from a double refractory gold ore (DRGO) using pure cultures of A. ferrooxidans or L. …
The paper presents an overview of bio-oxidation of sulphidic refractory gold ores prior to gold cyanidation. This review discusses several factors, more importantly, oxygen requirements and oxygen ...
In mining industries, biomining (comprising biooxidation and bioleaching) is implemented to extract metals from specific ores and waste streams with less environmental effect and expense. Usually, micron-sized gold particles are held in a crystal lattice of iron sulfide minerals and expensively extracted using common approaches. …
Combined Bacterial and Pressure Oxidation for Processing High-Sulfur Refractory Gold Concentrate. October 2023; ... it cannot effectively oxidize some sulfide minerals. POX enables oxidation in a ...
A novel method for gold recovery from sulfide refractory gold ore is proposed with two stages of roasting and thiourea leaching. The method improves gold recovery …
Bio-oxidation of refractory sulfidic gold minerals has been applied at the commercial scale as a pre-treatment to improve gold yields and reduce chemical consumption during gold cyanidation.
This review examines the lifecycle of the arsenic species in the pressure oxidation stage, from the source of the arsenic-bearing minerals in the feed to the …
After oxidation pretreatment, metal minerals (such as pyrite) are corroded to a smaller volume and many corrosion cracks appear, and the gold particles encapsulated in them can be recovered. ... The effect of ore mineralogy on the speciation of arsenic bacterial oxidation of refractory arsenical gold ores. 13th International Symposium on ...
ABSTRACT With the rising focus on the development of complex refractory ores, one of the major environmental challenges has been in the treatment and processing of arsenic-bearing minerals. An increasingly common approach is to immobilize arsenic as stable ferric arsenate phases during pressure oxidation, utilizing an existing process in …
Pressure oxidation is a widely accepted method to treat refractory gold ores. Gold recovery is generally lower from alkaline than acidic pressure oxidation discharge …
However, most of the sulfide minerals in a refractory gold concentrate react to form a harmful gas during roasting and the iron oxide produced during roasting encapsulates invisible or fine gold . Pyrite is the most abundant sulfide mineral in refractory gold ore and its oxidation is thermodynamically favorable in the environment .
As the bioleaching of sulfide minerals becomes increasingly applied by the mining industry for the pretreatment of refractory gold ores 1,2 and for the bioleaching of base metals, there is a growing need for mechanistically-based kinetic models for the design, operation, optimization and control of bioleaching processes. This chapter will review kinetic …
@article{Zhang2022ColumnBO, title={Column bio-oxidation of low-grade refractory gold ore containing high-arsenic and high-sulfur: Insight on change in microbial community structure and sulfide surface corrosion}, author={Shiqi Zhang and Hong-ying Yang and Pengcheng Ma and Zuochun Luan and Lin-lin Tong and Zhe-nan Jin and Wolfgang …
The ongoing depletion of gold and silver-containing ore deposits demands a shift towards the processing of more complex sources. Leaching of gold or silver from these sources, which are named refractory and are typically low-grade, can be complicated due to one or more of the following effects: (1) kinetic or thermodynamic impediments on …
In addition, the role of the microbial community in the bio-oxidation of refractory ores for removal of base metal impurities and in the recovery of Au based on biocyanidation is reviewed. They also address the future research directions in the bioleaching of Au in order to make further advances toward practical industrial applications.
The bacterial oxidation (BIOX) process for the pre-treatment of refractory ores for gold recovery was developed by the Genmin Process Research laboratory. Early work started in the late 1950's when the bacteria strain, "Thiobacillus ferrooxidans" was isolated from effluents pumped from the West Rand Consolidated underground mine but …
The Fate of the Arsenic Species in the Pressure Oxidation of Refractory Gold Ores: Practical and Modelling Aspects. Wei Sung Ng a Centre for Advanced Materials and Industrial Chemistry, School of Science, ... from the source of the arsenic-bearing minerals in the feed to the various reaction products following pressure oxidation. The …
The refractory minerals with a high sulfide content require an oxidative pretreatment to increase the extraction of gold and silver in the cyanidation process [2, 5, 10]. The most common pretreatments at present are roasting [11,12,13], chemical oxidation [1, 2, 4, 5, 14], and biooxidation [15,16,17].
The pretreatment of gold ores before cyanidation is a challenging problem due to the world's annual huge waste of refractory gold minerals. Generally, the leaching of gold by cyanidation without any pre-oxidation causes an extraction lower than 90%. In recent decades, a variety of treatment and pretreatment methods have been used to …
The most used process today to solve this problem presented by refractory minerals are oxidative pretreatments (alkaline and acidic oxidation), which can be …
Acid pressure oxidation is currently strongly advocated as the most effective pretreatment method for refractory gold ores and concentrates. Arsenopyrite and pyrite …
To increase the efficiency of gold extraction, oxidation pretreatment before gold leaching decomposes the sulfide matrix in refractory ores and liberates gold particles. Pressure oxidation and biological oxidation are common hydrometallurgical methods for sulfide mineral degradation [1].
Arsenopyrite, which is a typical gold-bearing mineral, is widely distributed in gold tailings. In this study, we have examined the surface morphology of arsenopyrite before and after oxidation, the types of oxidation products, and the oxidation mechanism. ... Effect of grain size on the bacterial oxidation of a refractory gold sulfide ...
continuously decreasing, while refractory gold minerals are becoming the most important resources in the eld of gold extraction. In these original ores, most of the gold is encapsulated in the lattice of pyrite and arsenopyrite, resulting in dif- ... at pH 10.5–11.5 after acid pressure oxidation pretreatment of refractory gold ores. However ...
The Sand Farming is one of novel biooxidation processes suitable for sulphide oxidation of low-grade refractory gold ores. It has been previously proven to be feasible and more efficient compared ...
Where gold is associated with arsenic, antimony, tellurium, and certain other minerals, it is often only partly soluble in cyanide solution. The difficulty is usually more of a physical than a chemical one but special methods of treatment may be required. Gold Leaching & Processing of Arsenic Ore Mispickel (Arsenopyrite: FeAsS).6 When this …
The refractory gold ore with high arsenic and sulfur used in this study was obtained from Yuantong Mining Company, Inner Mongolia, China. The chemical composition of the raw gold ore is presented in Table 1. Fig. 1 (a) gives the X-ray diffraction diagram of the raw gold ore. The data showed that pyrite and arsenopyrite are the main …
This paper presents the results obtained by processing a gold and silver telluride mineral concentrate from a mine in Colombia. An acid wash, also known as acidification, was carried out, followed by oxidation with nitric acid as a pretreatment. Cyanidations of the pretreatment residues were carried out and the results were …
The most effective method to solve the problem of insufficient contact between gold particles and leaching reagent is oxidation pretreatment before leaching.
Bioleaching has emerged as a green technology with promising applications in mining industries in the context of recovery of precious metals from mineral ores. The authors synthesize the current knowledge available in the bioleaching of gold (Au) from ores by bringing together historical developments and recent endeavors. In addition, the role …
Refractory gold ores have poor gold recoveries with direct cyanide leaching. Typically the refractoriness is due to encapsulation of the gold particles inside the host mineral. To liberate gold for leaching the host mineral must be broken by mechanical or chemical means. The aim of this study was to study the effect of temperature, oxygen partial …
The effect of temperature in the range of 20–65 °C on gold extraction from refractory gold tailings containing pyrite in 20% (v/v) of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulphate [Bmim + HSO 4 −]-water solution with thiourea as complexing agent and iron(III) sulphate oxidant, at pH of 1 was examined for 12 h leaching time intervals.The …
Refractory gold ore is usually affected by the associated carbonaceous matter through the preg-robbing effect, which is eliminated by oxidation roasting, followed by leaching, to achieve a ...
In this paper, we describe the ther-modynamic considerations of preoxidation of pyrite and arsenopyrite, the main minerals of the refractory gold ore, and the efect of the pressure oxidation, one ...
DOI: 10.1007/s11274-024-03887-2 Corpus ID: 266874444; Recent challenges in biological cyanidation and oxidation of sulfide-based refractory gold ore @article{KarimiDarvanjooghi2024RecentCI, title={Recent challenges in biological cyanidation and oxidation of sulfide-based refractory gold ore}, author={Mohammad …
This article reports on the effects of temperature, oxygen pressure, and cyanide concentration on gold extraction from a refractory sulfide concentrate by …