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Literature Reviews On The Evaluation Of Quarry Operations In Nigeria

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The Burden of Drug Abuse in Nigeria: A Scoping Review of

Background: The burden of drug abuse is becoming a public health concern in Nigeria. Preventive measures should include identifying the root causes of the burden for targeted intervention. We, therefore, aim to conduct a scoping review of the literature to summarize the findings of epidemiological studies on drug abuse and …

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Performance of Cassava Peeling Machines in Nigeria: a Review of Literature

A review on cassava peeling machines in Nigeria is presented. The processing of cassava tubers for industrial or human use involves different operations of which peeling is a major one and cannot ...

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A review on environmental impact assessment of limestone mining operations

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a superior tool use for assessing environmental changes in the opencast limestone mining region. In mining and its development, there is currently pervasive global concern focused on the need to move the mining sector to a more sustainable environment.

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Health impact assessment of quarrying in some parts of …

The study analyzed the concentration of heavy metals in soil-dust around rock aggregates and limestone quarries in southwestern Nigeria and evaluated the …

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[PDF] Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Quarry Operation …

The study investigated the environmental effects of quarry operations in Abeokuta, Ogun state, while it specifically sought to identify corresponding environmental impacts posed in quarry operation and, assess the efforts towards minimizing environmental impacts of their operations. Primary data used for this study was …

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5. The Literature Review

A literature review may consist of simply a summary of key sources, but in the social sciences, a literature review usually has an organizational pattern and combines both summary and synthesis, often within specific conceptual categories.A summary is a recap of the important information of the source, but a synthesis is a re-organization, or …

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Assessment of noise and ground vibration induced during …

DOI: 10.1016/S1674-5264(09)60078-8 Corpus ID: 129720709; Assessment of noise and ground vibration induced during blasting operations in an open pit mine — A case study on Ewekoro limestone quarry, Nigeria

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This review critically surveys an extensive literature on mining, devel-opment, and environment.

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Characterizing the Effects of Quarrying Industry in Northern

The investigation yielded that among the five quarry sites, the social and environmental effects of the gravel and sand quarrying operations which the respondents strongly agree with their mean ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
(PDF) Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Quarry …

The study investigated the environmental effects of quarry operations in Abeokuta, Ogun state, while it specifically sought to identify corresponding …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts of Quarrying in …

Through analysis of real-world examples, case studies, and existing literature, this review uncovers promising solutions that can enhance quarrying operations' sustainability …

  • منتوجات جديدة
The impact of government policies on Nigeria economic …

This study examines the impact of fiscal, monetary and trade policies on Nigerian economic growth from 1985 to 2020. This study adopts endogenous growth model (AK model) as its theoretical framework. The unit root test results reveal that there is mixed level of stationarity in the variables. The bound test result shows that the variables …

  • منتوجات جديدة
An assessment of environmental impacts of quarry-blasting operation…

Based on the literature review, researchers (Devine 1966;Siskind et al. 1980;Muller 1997;Elseman 2000;Tripathy and Gupta 2002;Adhikari et al. 2004;Kahriman 2004; Kuzu and Ergin 2005; Nicholson ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Impact of Granite Quarrying on the Health of Workers and …

The present paper monitored levels of suspended particulate matters in the ambient air in and around selected quarries and analyzed the prevalent health problems suffered by nearby residents and ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Literature Reviews, Theoretical Frameworks, and …

The literature review should include the researcher's evaluation and critique of the selected studies. A researcher may have a large collection of studies, but not all of the studies will follow standards important in the reporting of empirical work in the social sciences. ... Writing literature reviews: A guide for students of the social and ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Health impact assessment of quarrying in some parts of …

Twenty four (24) quarry soil-dust samples were collected within and outside the 12 rock aggregates and limestone quarries in southwestern Nigeria. Two samples from both in …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Assessing the Impact of Quarrying as an Environmental Ethic …

Residents in the community have been continuously concerned about all the negative environmental effects of the quarry. The company ignored the neighbourhood and did not know about the laws controlling quarry operations, which led to an ethical dilemma. The harm that the operations cause to people and the environment is the other ethical …

  • منتوجات جديدة

This study was carried out with the view to address two fundamental issues: first, to determine if there is any association between budget, budgetary control and performance evaluation; second, to ...

  • منتوجات جديدة

utilization and efficiency for the evaluation of crushing plant effectiveness in an aggregate quarry. The performance metrics of F and P quarry, Abuja, Nigeria have been determined, and the plant availability (A); utilization (U); efficiency (E); and OEE evaluated to be 77.55%, 65.08%, 33.15%, and 16.62% respectively.

  • منتوجات جديدة
The environmental impact of extraction: A holistic review of …

171 academic papers are analysed investigating the environmental impact of quarries. •. Six lifecycle stages have been explored identifying nine relevant …

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Heavy metals research in Nigeria: a review of studies and

Nigeria is experiencing continuous economic and industrial transformations, typical of many developing nations. In addition to its well-established oil industry, which is infamous for exuding various kinds of pollutants, there are increased mining operations, indiscriminate disposal and burning of wastes, illegal oil refinery and terroristic insurgency, all poised to …

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A review on the design and operations challenges of a single toggle jaw crusher is presented. Strength and fracture toughness of the material to be crushed are intrinsic properties that determine ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Quarry …

The study investigated the environmental effects of quarry operations in Abeokuta, Ogun state, while it specifically sought to identify corresponding environmental impacts posed …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Limestone Quarrying and Processing: A Life-Cycle …

3.3.1 Limestone Quarry Operations The LCI for quarry operations includes the inputs and outputs for each of the processes depicted in Figure 1. Specifically, processes and operations represented in the inventory presented in this report include: • Removal of overburden using heavy equipment • Transfer of overburden to on-site storage

  • منتوجات جديدة
Quarry Slope Stability Assessment Methods with Blast …

Blast-induced ground vibration is one of the most significant challenges in explosive rock fragmentation, affecting mine stability and worker and machine safety. However, limited research has suggested a correlation between slope stability and blast-induced ground vibration. Thus, improving mining sustainability requires assessing mine …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Assessment of Dust Concentration and …

The elemental analysis and silica content of parent rock materials and dust samples were carried out at three quarry sites designated A,B, and C. Questionnaires were administered to 270 quarry ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Environmental Conservation Cost and Corporate …

Quarry Companies in Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis Abayomi O. ASUBIOOJO, *Muyiwa E. DAGUNDURO, & Gbenga A. FALANA Department of Accounting, Afe Babalola University Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.

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The impact of previous operations on the environment was assessed by determining heavy metal contents of soil (topsoil, 0-15 cm and subsoil,15-30 cm) and plant samples taken at 0, 10, 15, 30, 60 ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
A review on the impact of mining operation: Monitoring, …

In the annual publication of the World Mining Data, 65 mineral commodities are produced from 168 countries. This data are statistically summarized and evaluated by World Mining Data [20].The world production of iron and ferrous alloy metals in metric Tons, for five years are given in Table 1.The world production of non-ferrous metals in metric …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Environmental impact analysis of quarrying …

Several serious environmental impacts related to quarrying activities on and near the river, such as vibrations, land degradation, land subsidence and landslides, water pollution, occupational ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Effect of particulate matter from quarry activities on crops …

In South-Eastern Nigeria, several quarry operations provide 8.7% of the country's annual GDP to the economy. These businesses do, however, frequently cause air pollution. Extech Model VPC300 was used to measure PM2.5, PM10, and various meteorological factors, and conduct a social survey to determine the impact of …

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Understanding Environmental Consequences of Quarry …

Through understanding the human perspective on the environmental impact of quarry operations, policymakers and stakeholders such as the quarry industry …

  • منتوجات جديدة

Background: Quarry operation is one of the surface mining activity carried out in Nigeria. It involves different stages of operation such as blasting, crushing and lots more but due to financial ...

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(PDF) Infrastructural Challenges in Nigeria and the Effect on …

The high component (46.23%) of the food and organic wastes amongst other forms of waste in AMAC in this study agrees with the high value of 66.7% in Ibadan and to a larger extent the 52% obtained ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Evaluation of E-Commerce Systems in Nigeria: …

Literature Review There is no law that explicitly and exclusively deals with e-commerce systems in Nigeria. Rather, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Act, as amended in 1999 gives the Bank the implicit powers to oversee and regulate the payments system. Section 41 of the CBN Act provides that "it shall be the duty of the CBN to facilitate

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Evaluation of solar energy potential in six geopolitical …

The World Energy Council, 2021 reported that 40% of the Nigerian population is yet to be connected to the national grid [16].This could be traced to the inadequate or limited power generated and transmitted into the national grid with a dangling peak estimated generation of about 4,489.3 MW [28].The Transmission Company of …

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