Large amounts of tailings are produced when copper minerals are concentrated by flotation. For instance, the flotation process is performed with water …
Section snippets Materials. To develop this study, copper sulfide tailings, provided by Valle Central Mine, were used. The tailings have an average copper grade of 0.12%, with most in the form of chalcopyrite, and with a specific gravity of 2.7 [g/cm 3].The tailings consist of fine and ultra-fine particles under 70 mesh, which have previously …
A brief statistical analysis has shown that froth flotation is a reliable process to recover copper from flotation tailings. Collector dosage remains the main parameter …
Response surface methodology is used to optimize the leaching process for refractory flotation copper tailings. The proportion of the refractory combination oxide copper (chrysocolla) is 64.84%. At present, few studies have examined the leaching of chrysocolla. In this study, we examine the effects of several variables, including the …
DOI: 10.1080/00084433.2024.2380577 Corpus ID: 271439966; Linking ores flotation results to the Kinsenda copper deposit mineralogical features: enhancing the recovery of copper retained in flotation tailings
Flotation is a common mineral processing method used to upgrade copper sulfide ores; in this method, copper sulfide mineral particles are concentrated in froth, and associated gangue minerals are ...
The purpose of this study is to identify the physical, mineralogical, and electrochemical properties of copper flotation tailings as well as to investigate how polymer type, dose, suspension pH, and mixing circumstances affect flocculation.
As ore grades constantly decline, more copper tailings, which still contain a considerable amount of unrecovered copper, are expected to be produced as a byproduct of froth flotation. This research reveals the occurrence mechanism of copper minerals in typical copper sulfide tailings using quantitative mineral liberation analysis (MLA) …
The copper grade is substantially higher compared to the average copper grade in tailings from the 1930s of 0.33% and far above the average of SERNAGEOMIN's cadaster of mine tailings (sampling only the first meter), which gives copper grades of 0.27% for inactive and abandoned tailings <10 M t . The investigated TSF was in operation between ...
Flotation Tailings: Effect of Feed Dilution on the Thickener Performance, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, DOI: 10.1080/08827508.2018.1497626 To link to this article: https ...
Copper ore mining and processing release hazardous post-flotation wastes that are difficult for remediation. The studied tailings were extremely rich in Cu (1800 mg kg-1) and contaminated with Co and Mn, and contained very little available forms of P, Fe, and Zn.The plants growing in tailings were distinctly enriched in Cu, Cd, Co, Ni, and Pb, and the …
This suggests, copper could be recovered from non-magnetic cleaner tailings, which corresponds to 4% of copper fed in flotation tailings. Considering the three steps, that is, screen classification, rougher, and cleaner magnetic separation, the total mass recovery is 3.02% (3.02% = 6.33% × 47.69%) and Fe and SiO 2 recoveries …
Sulfide copper mineral, typically Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), is one of the most common minerals for producing metallic copper via the pyrometallurgical process. Generally, flotation tailings are produced as a byproduct of flotation and still consist of un‒recovered copper. In addition, it is …
The flotation tailings pond of the Bor Copper Mine poses a great ecological problem not only for the town of Bor but also for the surrounding soils and watercourses. Since the old flotation tailings contain about 0.2% of copper on the average, we investigated their leaching with sulphuric acid in the absence and presence of an …
The effects from particles size in tailings, and the reagents' suite components and their dosages on the copper flotation efficiency were investigated. Flotation results were significantly improved when tailings contain 70% particles with size smaller than 106 μm were floated using a reagents suite including 3600 g per t NaHS …
The flotation tailings are, in general, either piled up or stored in dams, although most copper tailings have a huge potential for by-products production leading to improve sustainability and ...
The following parameters were therefore recommended for chemical leaching of copper converter slag flotation tailings: pulp density 30% (w/v), pH 1.5, 70 °C, initial Fe 3 + concentration 15.7 g/L, no aeration, leaching for 1.5 h. These conditions resulted in solubilization of 81.6 and 37.7% of copper and zinc, respectively, while iron recovery ...
An efficient copper recovery process (total copper recovery of 86.2%) is proposed for the utilization of concentrate of flotation tailings as one of the new copper …
General Description of Ore Processing in a Conventional Copper Flotation P lant Figure 1 is a generalized diagram of a conventional copper flotation plant from the point where ore first enters the circuit to the production of concentrate and tailings. To …
This study is focused on the froth flotation reprocessing of a copper mineral from flotation tailings. The effects of flotation parameters including pulp density, collector dosage,...
Thin-layer heap bioleaching of copper flotation tailings containing high levels of fine grains was carried out by mixed cultures on a small scale over a period of 210 d. Lump ores as a framework were loaded at the bottom of the ore heap. The overall copper leaching rates of tailings and lump ores were 57.10wt% and 65.52wt%, …
Sulfidization–xanthate flotation can then be used to extract the copper oxide minerals in the tailings of the copper sulfide minerals to meet the flotation requirements of copper minerals with different floatabilities [97]. According to the characteristics of mixed oxide-sulfide copper minerals from different production areas, bulk flotation ...
Abstract This research aimed at recovering metals retained in the tailings from the flotation of copper (Cu) and cobalt (Co) ores conducted at the New Concentrator in Kipushi (NCK). Metals retention in the tailings (0.73% Cu and 0.37% Co) increased due to the removal of the gravity separation section from the processing circuit together with …
3.1opper Flotation Tailings Characterization Dam C 3.1.1 Chemical Assays The chemical composition of dam copper otation tailings is depicted in Table 2. The dam copper otation tailings show low grades for Fe and Al 2 O 3 2 Dam …
Mine tailings deposits are often overlooked by the industry, posing significant environmental challenges due to chemical hazards and inadequate maintenance. Nevertheless, such mineral deposits hold considerable economic potential for processing, and the adoption of innovative technologies may also address critical chemical and …
The subject of the research was a sample of pyrite flotation tailings containing copper, 0.26%, zinc, 0.22%, and gold, 0.67 g/t. Investigated was an acid leaching of pyrite tailings under ...
The goal of the present work was to develop hydrometallurgical approaches based on acid leaching for selective extraction of base metals and gold from the sample of old flotation tailings of copper-zinc sulfide ore containing copper, zinc, and gold, as well as to evaluate the application of flotation tailings as a source of oxidant for ...
In this study, a hydrometallurgical method for the recovery of copper, cobalt, and zinc from copper slag flotation tailings (SFT) was investigated. SFT contains large amounts of valuable metallic compounds, such as copper, cobalt, and zinc. A representative SFT sample containing 0.50% Cu, 0.148% Co, 3.93% Zn, and 39.50% Fe was used in …
This research aimed at recovering metals retained in the tailings from the flotation of copper (Cu) and cobalt (Co) ores conducted at the New Concentrator in …
Samples of copper tailings were collected from the overflow and underflow streams of the primary hydrocyclone at the processing plant discussed in Section 2.1.The d90s of these samples were 63.7 μ m and 279 μ m respectively and the particle size distributions of each can be found in Fig. 1.The samples were obtained as slurry, which …
After copper recovery by flotation, the remaining part of the slag is considered waste and disposed of in the slag dump area. However, even after copper recovery, copper slag flotation tailings (CSFT) may still contain several metals in varying amounts. However, the complexity and low metal concentration have undermined the …
DOI: 10.1016/J.RINENG.2021.100207 Corpus ID: 233815463; Statistical investigation of flotation parameters for copper recovery from sulfide flotation tailings @inproceedings{Brest2021StatisticalIO, title={Statistical investigation of flotation parameters for copper recovery from sulfide flotation tailings}, author={Kasongo K. …
The main chemical reagents used in the metallurgical flotation process of copper sulphide minerals and present in copper mining tailings are presented below [2,47]. The following types of reagents are disclosed: (i) acids, (ii) alkalis or pH regulators, (iii) modifiers, (iv) collectors, (v) ing agents, and (vi) flocculants ( Table 1 ).
In this paper, a complete set of screening tests was established to effectively evaluate the flocculation performance of PAM used for copper tailings treatment.
The potential of copper recovery from flotation tailings was experimentally investigated using a laboratory-mixing tank. The experiments were performed with solid weight percentages of 30wt%, 35wt%, 40wt% and 45wt% in water. The measurements revealed that adding sulfuric acid all at once to the tank rapidly increased the efficiency …
Copper can be recovered from the slags by froth flotation after cooling, crushing, and grinding. The obtained Cu-concentrate is sent to the pyrometallurgical process. If grinding is not fine enough for efficient flotation, copper is lost in tailings. In this paper, the ferric leaching of slag flotation tailings is studied.