The characters often say they no longer "use money," yet they still use modern economic terms and, whether it's Federation credits or gold-pressed latinum, …
Because of latinum's liquid nature, it's encased within gold when used as physical currency, which is why latinum is so frequently referred to as "gold-pressed": it's the latinum that's valuable ...
Latinum comes in 4 denominations slips, strips, bars, and bricks (from smallest to largest). From the Memory-Alpha entry on Latinum: Slips - One hundred slips of gold-pressed latinum are equal to one strip. Strips - Twenty strips are equal to one bar of latinum. Bars - The exchange rate from bars to bricks is unknown. Bricks
Latinum is a rare and valuable substance used as currency in the Star Trek franchise, often stored in gold-pressed bars. Learn about its origin, properties, and worth …
One bar of gold-pressed latinum is equal to twenty strips or 2,000 slips of latinum. (DS9: "Body Parts") Note: In an auction, Quark suggests that one bar and twenty five strips is lower in value than two bars. This contradicts the idea that there are twenty strips in a bar. (DS9: "In the Cards")a latinum bar, measures 4.75 × 0.5 × 2.25 inches
Struck from 1-oz of 99.9% pure silver, the unique bar is fully gold-plated and includes the maker's mark.Latinum, as seen on DS9, was a rare silver-colored liquid of extremely high value and prized by many civilizations in the Alpha Quadrant, particularly the Ferengi Alliance.Extremely Limited EditionEach coin is presented in a special wooden …
GPL Conversion Unit is a Computer Vendor which can be found in several locations: Quark's Bar on Deep Space 9. Paradise Bar on Nimbus III. Inside the resort at Risa. In the Gazebo at Q's Winter Wonderland (Winter event) Drozana Station Using this console, players can trade their Gold-Pressed Latinum, Holiday Collectibles, or Winter Epohhs …
A bar was a large unit of gold-pressed latinum. One bar of gold-pressed latinum was equal to twenty strips or two thousand slips of latinum. (DS9: "Body Parts") One bar Tiron offered Quark one bar of latinum and a …
The characters often say they no longer "use money," yet they still use modern economic terms and, whether it's Federation credits or gold-pressed latinum, there is still currency.
Get the latest price, news, live charts, and market trends about Gold Pressed Latinum. The current price of Gold Pressed Latinum in United States is $NaN per (GPL / USD)
This box contains a small stash of Gold-Pressed Latinum which you received in trade for a Holiday Collectible. Unpack the item to add this latinum to your current total. Value: 0 . The Gold-Pressed Latinum Package contains 1000 . There is also a larger version of this item. Categories Categories: STO Wiki stubs; Items;
Gold-pressed Latinum, the currency used by the Ferengi (and sometimes other races) in TNG-era Star Trek. It's a super-valuable liquid encased within (possibly) worthless gold bars.
We're first introduced to latinum by the Ferengi in DS9. Latinum is now considered the go-to currency in the Star Trek universe because it's so rare and can't be replicated. Gold (Au) and diamonds...
Latinum is a rare silver liquid used as currency by the Ferengi Alliance and many other worlds. It cannot be replicated.For ease of transaction, latinum is usually suspended within gold to produce "gold-pressed" latinum. …
Only refined dilithium can be used to purchase starships and items or exchanged for Zen . Gold-Pressed Latinum - Sometimes referred to as GPL, used to acquire holo projectors for different ships, buy latinum trophies, free Deferi slaves, or use in duty officer missions; Secondary Currencies [| ]
94 "What about gold-pressed latinum?" (Replicators - Star Trek) In "Who Mourns for Morn?" [DS9], latinum is described as a clear, viscous liquid. Morn has kept latinum in his …
The characters often say they no longer "use money," yet they still use modern economic terms and, whether it's Federation credits or gold-pressed latinum, there is still currency. So how does it all work? It's never fully explained in the Star Trek canon, for good reason. The development of the United Federation of Planets, or at …
Gold-Pressed Latinum. Latinum is a rare silver liquid used as currency by many worlds, most notably the Ferengi Alliance. Latinum cannot be replicated and the reasons for its rarity are unknown. Latinum is usually suspended within the element gold to produce the currency Gold Pressed …
Latinum is a rare silver-colored liquid metal used as currency by many alien races, often suspended in gold. Learn about its value, history, properties, and cultural …
In Star Trek; Deep Space Nine, Gold Pressed Latinum is used as currency by many worlds, most notably the Ferengi Alliance. Latinum cannot be replicated and the reasons for its rarity are unknown. There are Five amounts of this Ferengi Currency. The denominations of Gold Pressed Latinum are shown.
I posit that gold-pressed latinum is useful for conducting business with other cultures, especially given the rarity of it: Rule of Acquisition 57: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them. The Ferengi are constantly doing business with outsiders, and so it makes sense for a serious Ferengi trader to have gold-pressed latinum on hand.
In order to be used as tradable currency, liquid latinum was suspended within gold or gold dust to form the end product, gold-pressed latinum. The gold served only as a carrier for the latinum and was worthless to the Ferengi. There were several denominations of gold-pressed latinum, the smallest being the slip, followed by the strip, the bar ...
A slip was the smallest unit of gold-pressed latinum. One hundred slips of gold-pressed latinum were equal to one strip. (DS9: "Body Parts") One slip Ferengi put one slip of gold-pressed latinum into the throne of the Grand Nagus. (DS9: "Ferengi Love Songs") A Ferengi traditionally paid a toll of one slip of latinum per head upon entering the house …
Yet they always seem to cart around physical latinum (usually in gold-pressed form in-universe for convenience and out-of-universe so the allegory is …
Latinum is the primary money in Star Trek, a substance that can't be replicated and is encased in gold. Learn about its value, uses, and how Starfleet …
What is Gold-Pressed Latinum currently used for? GPL is currently used in a few different ways, and there are plans to increase the use of it in the future. Listed below is what the Ferengi Alliance is currently using this token for.
Gold (Au) and diamonds (a gem made of carbon atoms linked together in a lattice structure) on the other hand can be dug up by scratching around in the dirt on …
Perhaps gold looses its scarcity in a world where replicators can make any element and other useless things could be used to make gold. This could work the other way, as well. Perhaps gold retains some base value in that it could be broken down and reconstructed into other elements to make stuff, and that is where it allows for a value guarantee.
Latinum bars. Latinum is a rare silver liquid used as currency throughout the Ferengi Alliance as well as other species. Unlike other currencies, latinum cannot be replicated. To make latinum a monetary unit, the …
Latinum was a rare substance which was prized by many civilizations in the Alpha Quadrant, including the Ferengi Alliance. For use as currency, liquid latinum was usually suspended within gold or gold dust which produced gold-pressed latinum. (DS9 episode: "Who Mourns for Morn?"; CCG set: Rules of Acquisition, card: "Gold-Pressed …
The Ferengi, on the other hand, love money — or rather, latinum, a highly precious liquid metal. It's generally referred to as gold-pressed latinum, because it …
The current price of 1 US Dollar in Gold Pressed Latinum is ∞T GPL. The price is calculated based on rates on 0 exchanges and is continuously updated every few seconds. To see the latest exchange rate, Gold Pressed Latinum historical prices, and a comprehensive overview of technical market indicators, head over to the Gold Pressed …
The molecules of gold-pressed latinum are arranged in a nearly crystalline pattern that depends upon the precise orientation of eighty-eight 'fractal legs' of …