In our study, we mapped 1003.8 km 2 of mine polygons in Ghana, supported by past studies identifying the location of 394 artisanal mining and 104 industrial mining sites for gold extraction in ...
The findings reveal that mining has been a significant driver of economic growth in Ghana, contributing to the country's gross domestic product (GDP) through foreign exchange earnings, investment ...
Sand is a crucial resource for the construction of urban infrastructure and constitutes an integral part of the built environment. In Ghana, terrestrial sand mining on …
The contribution of mining to the Ghanaian economy has been substantial. The mining sector is currently a major foreign exchange earner and contributes to long-term capital formation and fiscal payment to the state. However, the industry continues to have adverse consequences on the lives of local community dwellers, most of whom are …
Quarrying in Ghana consists mostly of smaller-scale operations that produce sand, gravel, cement, limestone, and granite. Large and small-scale mining operations provide an estimated 524,000 jobs for Ghanaians. Past Investment . An estimated $6.7 billion was invested in Ghana's mining and minerals sector between 1994 and 2008.
In Accra, Ghana, sand mining occurs predominantly on farmlands at the city's periphery. We selected three study communities to assess the effects of sand …
The Volta Delta has fragile biophysical features affected by damming the Volta River and sand mining among other anthropogenic activities. The disrupted ecosystem adversely impacts livelihoods although efforts have been employed to reduce these impacts including both infrastructure and policies.
Sand mining refers to the extraction of sand from an open pit from agricultural or forest lands, beaches, inland dunes, beaches, and river beds mainly for construction purposes ( Rentier, and Cammeraat, 2022 ). Sand mining at the coast is a …
Illegal mining has emerged as a pressing issue with significant implications for economic growth and development in Ghana. This systematic review examines the impact of illegal mining on the ...
Sand mining, which in Ghana is referred to as 'sand winning', is the collection and transport of fragments of sand and gravel as raw material for construction of roads, bridges and built facilities for accommodation or other purposes. Sand and gravel are thus important basic materials needed for concretization in construction across the ...
Within the past few decades, Ghana's mining sector specifically the small scale mining subsector has been marred by controversies mainly due to its threat to sustainable development.
74 Mensah Causes and Effects of Coastal Sand Mining in Ghana 75 TABLE 1. POPULATION SIZE IN SAND MINING COMMUNITIES COMMUNITY 1970 New Amanful POPULATION 1984 1994* GROWTH RATE (%) 1970-84 767 718 680 - 0.5 Funkoe 1,140 1,107 1,087 - 0.2 Adjuah 1,128 1,368 1,578 1.4 *1994 population estimates were …
Mensah (1997) studied the causes and effects of coastal sand mining in Ghana using th ree communit ies in the Ahanta West District. The purpose of the study was to find the causes and the effects of coastal sand min ing. Sustainable development theory, which seeks to strike a balance between social, economic and environmental issues in an ...
Sand mining in coastal Ghana. Sand mining refers to the extraction of sand from an open pit from agricultural or forest lands, beaches, inland dunes, beaches, and river beds mainly for construction purposes (Rentier, and Cammeraat, 2022). Sand mining at the coast is a common phenomenon in developing countries, including Ghana.
Ghana experienced rapid liberalisation in the mining sector in the 1980s and 90s which led to the intensification of mining activities across mining zones in the country.
Indeed, for the regional state, mining, including sand mining, is positioned as an important industrial activity in "functional rural areas": areas which sustain livelihoods of over 300,000 people and are expected to more than double by 2037 (Greater Accra Regional Spatial Development Framework 2017). This view was reiterated at the ...
The study has revealed an alarming rate of unrestricted beach sediment mining along the coast of the Central Region of Ghana. Sand and gravel mining is regulated by law in the country referring to the Minerals and Mining Act 2006, Act 703, which addresses the issue of mining lease and license for prospecting. Despite this …
Illegal mining in Ghana is an archetypical complex problem as it is cross-scalar, involving public, private, nonprofit sector actors interacting at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels of government. The relevant public agencies regulating the sector are the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, the Minerals Commission, and the …
This paper examines the causes and effects of coastal sand mining in three communities in the Ahanta West District of Ghana. It argues that coastal sand needs to …
For instance, Ghana's mining sector attracts over 50% of all Foreign Direct Investments, accounts for approximately 33% of all revenues and 43% of total merchandise exports, and contributes ...
Collaboration between the government, mining companies, non-governmental organizations, and local communities is key to finding sustainable solutions to the illegal mining crisis in Ghana. By recognizing the scientific impact of illegal mining and taking collective action, Ghana can protect its environment, preserve its cultural …
The study revealed that beach sand mining is widespread across the Elmina-Cape Coast-Moree coastline and takes place in several forms, with the magnitude of sand taken from …
Ghana, one of the world's biggest producers of cocoa beans, is facing a crisis around dangerous and dirty galamsey, or informal, mining—which experts warn could derail its agriculture sector.
In Ghana, terrestrial sand mining in rural and peri-urban areas negatively affects the livelihoods of the majority of the residents employed in land-based livelihoods. We examine the sustainability of the alternative livelihood strategies the residents in these areas adopt as they lose their original livelihoods to sand mining. Both ...
Headlines like "The Coming Sand Wars" (Beiser, 2019 in Foreign Policy), "The Deadly Global War for Sand (Beiser, 2015 in Wired), or "Kenya's Sand Wars" (Constable, 2017 in Al Jazeera) point toward the conflict potential of sand.In this study, we seek to provide an overview of illegal sand mining activities in Africa and point out in …
The legal or institutional framework under which sand winning takes place in Ghana and the Ga districts in particular is defined by the following laws--the Minerals and Mining Law PNDCL 153, as ...
A multi-sectoral approach is recommended, including improved access to regularly flowing, safe water and sanitation facilities, education on preventing diarrhea, and adequate healthcare services, to effectively reduce the burden of diarrhea in climate change-vulnerable coastal communities.
Although beach sand mining is banned in Ghana (Angnuureng et al. 2013), the practice is going on as the mined sand is the main construction material in the communities. The practice opens up the coast to ocean wave attacks that has the potential to initiate coastal erosion.
Demand for sand mining for construction materials has tripled in the past two decades, reaching 50 billion tonnes a year. Urgent action is needed to avoid a "sand crisis", says the United Nations Environment Programme.
Mercury-tainted wastewater is dumped in and around mining sites, polluting the land, rivers and lakes. More recent research shows the persistence of the mercury problem across Ghana's mining sector.
Particulars of the financial resources available to the applicant for the proposed mining operations; Evidence of payment of the applicable fees; ... The Minerals Commission of Ghana is the Government agency with the primary responsibility of developing and coordinating mineral sector policies and monitoring their implementation.
This paper examines the causes and effects of coastal sand mining in three communities in the Ahanta West District of Ghana. It argues that coastal sand needs to be exploited …
We collected data from different online sources and found that between 1990 and 2021, (a) sand has been mined illegally in 35 African countries and (b) 21 of …
Urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa requires vast quantities of sand to meet infrastructural demands. In Accra, Ghana, sand mining occurs predominantly on farmlands at the city's periphery. We ...
The country has 16 fully accredited mining firms in the country, as listed above. What are some of the companies that mine gold in Ghana? The list of gold mining companies in Ghana includes Perseus …
A brief overview of the primary environmental regulations applicable to mining activities in Ghana, including environmental review, permitting and remediation.