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journals on washed copper slag concrete

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Use of copper slag and washed copper slag as sand in concrete…

Sustainability and resource efficiency are becoming increasing important issues within today's construction industry. This study reports the potential use of granulated copper slag as a replacement for sand in concrete mixes.

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The sustainable use of waste copper slag in concrete: An experimental

For this experimental investigation, M40 grade concrete is considered and designed as per Indian standard IS:10262-2019 [29].Totally, eight mixes were prepared of which, six mixes are comprised of waste copper slag in varied percentages like 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and for mixes CS0, CS20, CS40, CS60, CS80, and CS100 …

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Copper Slag

4.2 Cement additive. Copper slag can also be used as a pozzolanic material in mixed cement by directly replacing a portion of ordinary Portland cement. The effects of copper slag on the hydration properties of mortar and concrete have been studied [111–113]. The hydration reaction was found to occur without complete vitrification of the ...

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Properties of Sustainable High Strength Concrete with Waste …

The present work investigates copper slag as a substitute for river sand in high-strength concrete. The concrete mixtures were manufactured with 10%, 30%, …

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of cement with slag should be limited to 40% in India. Latha K.S, Rao M.V.S and Reddy V.S have concluded from their research that Strength efficiency of GGBS increases by 89% in M20, 41% in M40 and 20% in M60 grade concrete mixes when compared to …

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Effect of sisal and coconut fibers on the strength …

In recent years, the use of natural fibers in concrete has gained considerable attention due to their potential as a sustainable alternative to conventional steel reinforcements. This paper investigates the strength performance of natural fiber-reinforced recycled aggregate concrete using copper slag as a replacement for fine aggregate. …

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Research Paper Properties of Concrete Using Copper …

Figure 5 Compressive strength of concrete with different percentage of copper slag with normal concrete. V. CONCLUSION Copper slag can be used as an alternative to natural sand in concrete. When Copper slag is replaced with equivalent weight because of the fact more mortar is there to surround the aggregate therefore may

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Copper or ferrous slag as substitutes for fine aggregates …

Copper slag used in the study is air-cooled slag. The slag was found to have a black glassy . texture. The shape of the copper slag particles is angular in nature. The physical properties of copper slag were determined by laboratory tests. The grading pattern of copper slag was

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Life‐Cycle Assessment of High‐Strength Concrete Mixtures …

Copper slag, a readily available waste material from shipyards in Singapore, is a possible replacement material for a portion of the natural sand in concrete mixtures, …

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Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Copper Slag in Concrete …

Overall, adding copper slag to concrete has the potential to enhance a variety of characteristics and provide a more eco-friendly building material. (12) Rahul Sharma et al. The experiment tested the durability of self-compacting concrete (SCC) using copper slag (CS) as the fine aggregate. The VS2 category was satisfied by the T500 …

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Properties of Sustainable High Strength Concrete with Waste Copper Slag …

The present work investigates copper slag as a substitute for river sand in high-strength concrete. The concrete mixtures were manufactured with 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and of copper slag to evaluate the mechanical and durability properties. The experimental results indicate that replacing copper slag above 50% affects the …

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Use of waste copper slag, a sustainable material

Copper slag is a by-product of copper production that can be used as a substitute for aggregates, cement, or mortar. This paper reviews the properties, applications, and environmental benefits of …

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Properties of concrete containing copper slag waste

In this paper, the effects of using copper slag wastes as a supplementary cementitious material on mechanical properties and durability aspects of concrete are …

  • منتوجات جديدة
The sustainable use of waste copper slag in concrete: An …

Authors attempted use of waste copper slag (WCS) as a substitute for river sand in M40 grade concrete. Similarly, poly propylene fibres (PPF) are used to study …

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Characterization and evaluation of the pozzolanic activity …

GCS, granulated copper slag, is currently utilized in cement and concrete with a low rate, due mainly to its low pozzolanic activity.The present study was thus performed by first mixing the GCS with CaO, and then melting and water-granulating the GCS-CaO mixtures, as to enhance the reactivity of GCS. Blended cements were …

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Properties And Effects Of Copper Slag In Concrete 49 Graph 3.2 Compressive Strength Table 3.3 Strength Gained density of hardened concrete increased with the It is possible that the reduction in strength resulting from increasing copper slag is due to increased voids due to the fact that copper slag which was 3.30 compared to 2.62 of the ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Use of copper slag and washed copper slag as sand in concrete…

Copper slag (CS) and washed copper slag (WCS), as to be expected, have essentially similar basic physical (although WCS is usually finer than CS) and chemical characteristics and therefore they ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Use of copper slag and washed copper slag as sand in concrete…

Use of copper slag and washed copper slag as sand in concrete: a state-of-the-art review. / Lye, Chao Qun; Koh, Siew Kiang; Mangabhai, Raman et al. In: Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol. 67, No. 12, 01.06.2015, p. 665-679. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review.

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A critical review on the use of copper slag (CS) as a …

DOI: 10.1016/J.CONBUILDMAT.2021.123371 Corpus ID: 235513012; A critical review on the use of copper slag (CS) as a substitute constituent in concrete @article{Wang2021ACR, title={A critical review on the use of copper slag (CS) as a substitute constituent in concrete}, author={Ruijun Wang and Qi Shi and Yang Li and …

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A review on the influence of copper slag as a natural fine …

Copper slag (CS) is a type of nontoxic industrial waste that is obtained during matte smelting and refining of copper. CS resembles the size of NFA and can be used …

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washed copper slag. These metals exist in the forms of oxides. Washed copper slag has a high percentage of iron (Fe) followed by aluminium (Al), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and magnesium (Mg). The predominant chemical compositions are mainly iron compounds (eg. ferrosilicate, Fe 2 Si 2 O 6). Washed copper slag has a density of about

  • منتوجات جديدة
A Review of the Influence of Copper Slag on the Properties of Cement …

Global copper slag (CS) emissions reached 57.2 million tons in 2021. Despite the increasing reuse of CS, the treatment of CS is still dominated by landfill so far, which not only occupies land resources but also causes damage to the environment. The application of CS to cement-based materials (CBMs) is one of the main approaches to …

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Environmental and Socioeconomic Impact of Copper Slag…

Copper slag is generated when copper and nickel ores are recovered from their parent ores using a pyrometallurgical process, and these ores usually contain other elements which include iron, cobalt, silica, and alumina. Slag is a major problem in the metallurgical industries as it is dumped into heaps which have accumulated into millions …

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Copper slag waste as a supplementary cementing material to concrete

Copper slag. Copper slag grains have a fineness modulus of 3.4. In order to use copper slag as a mineral admixture it was necessary to carry out an experimental study associating grinding time, average diameter and pozzolanic activity assessed in mortars [].Based on this study, it was verified that 60 min was the optimal grinding time …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Strength assessment of concrete with copper slag as fine …

The current paper examines the laboratory testing of various concrete mixes (Mix 20, Mix 40, and Mix 60) containing copper slag waste as a partial replacement for …

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Utilization of copper slag waste in alkali-activated …

1. Introduction. Alkali-activated cement is considered the third-generation one after lime and ordinary Portland cement (OPC) [1].Alkali-activated concrete is manufactured from alkali-activators, precursors (e.g., granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS), metakaolin, fly-ash), and aggregates, which has been deemed as a potential eco …

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Review on Comprehensive Recovery Valuable Metals and …

Copper slag, a waste solid produced in the copper smelting process, is a high-quality secondary resource with huge output. The recycling and utilization of copper slag is of great interest because it avoids the loss of valuable metals and the threat of harmful metals, and saves a lot of natural resources and energy. This paper firstly …

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Waste to valuable resource: application of copper slag and steel slag

Waste recycling and reuse is an important component of sustainability. Extensive research is being conducted to address this issue by incorporating industrial by-product such as steel slag, copper slag, fly ash, ferro-chrome slag, and so on into the construction industry. Steel slag, which is mostly calcium carbonate, is created as a by …

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Copper slag as sand replacement for high performance concrete

Chemical analyses of OPC and copper slag are presented in Table 3.It can be seen from Table 3 that free and combined limes contribute to nearly 63% of the chemical composition of OPC whereas copper slag has a very low lime content of approximately 6%. This indicates that copper slag is not chemically a very reactive material to be used …

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Innovative Use Of Copper Slag In Design Mix Concrete

The research study investigated the effect of copper slag as partial replacement of fine aggregates in various percentages, on concrete properties such as mechanical (compressive strength, flexural strength), and durability characteristics of the concrete. Pages: 3129-3136. Keywords: Copper slag is a by-product material produced from the ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
A review on the influence of copper slag as a natural fine …

Copper slag is a derivative product obtained from matte smelting and refining of copper [25].It is a non-reactive and non-hazardous material whose size is similar to the NFA and it can be used as a NFA material in concrete with proper processing (Fig. 3).The physical properties of CS such as surface texture, particle shape and size, fineness, and …

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Feasibility Assessment of Incorporating Copper Slag as a …

Excellent mechanical and physical attributes of copper slag make it a potential source of fine aggregate. A variety of research work has been performed on the utilization of waste copper slag as the raw material in concrete. Zain et al. used copper slag in the making of cement mortar. The findings of this investigation showed optimum …

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An efficient eco-friendly adsorbent material based on waste copper slag …

The primary intent of the research is to comprehensively assess the environmental benefits and cost dynamics associated with the adsorption process of CS–RHA (Copper Slag and Rice Husk Ash) to produce a novel geopolymer adsorbent material for application in wastewater treatment. The geopolymer forms a polyiron …

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The Application of Converter Sludge and Slag to Produce …

The paper presents an analysis of the effective use of a mixture of steel sludge (S1) and slag (S2) from the converter process of steel production for the production of cement mortars. Metallurgical waste used in the research, which is currently deposited in waste landfills and heaps near plants, posing a threat to groundwater (possibility of …

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Utilization of flotation wastes of copper slag as raw material …

DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.02.056 Corpus ID: 35181839; Utilization of flotation wastes of copper slag as raw material in cement production. @article{Alp2008UtilizationOF, title={Utilization of flotation wastes of copper slag as raw material in cement production.}, author={İbrahim Alp and Haci Ahmet Deveci and H …

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Durability Properties and Microstructure of Ground …

Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) is a green construction material used to produce durable concrete. The secondary pozzolanic reactions can result in reduced pore connectivity; therefore, replacing partial amount of Portland cement (PC) with GGBS can significantly reduce the risk of sulfate attack, alkali–silica reactions and …

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