Table 1 highlights some of the significant pieces of research conducted for different metals in the metal mining industries through life cycle assessment, their impacts on human health and global warming. The key aspects of their methodologies and analysis results are presented in Table 1 for aluminum, copper, gold, iron, ilmenite-rutile, nickel, …
Overall, the process energy consumption amounts to 10.7 kWh per kg graphite, whereas Pehnt (2002) gives a total energy consumption of 16 kWh, which is significantly higher than our energy value. However, it must be mentioned that according to Pehnt, the majority of the energy consumption occurs in mining (approx. 10 kWh).
This study indicates that just over 50% of total site energy is in the mining operations (~55%), with the remainder of energy consumption occurring in the processing plant. …
The electricity sector is at the heart of this transformation, where digitalisation is blurring the distinction between generation and consumption, and enabling four inter-related opportunities: 1) smart demand response; 2) the integration of variable renewable energy sources; 3) the implementation of smart charging for EVs; and 4) the ...
The life cycle phase of fossil fuel extraction is mainly considered in the life cycle assessment (LCA) when evaluating the energy production processes. It is then only one of many unit processes, which contribute to the blurring of mining-relevant results. There are few items in the literature focusing exclusively on the lignite mining phase …
Tanzanian Electric power authority (TAN) has made EIA mandatory for all power generation projects and for the construction of transmission lines. A number of sectoral policies, such as those for mining, tourism, land and energy, advocate the use of EIA in project planning. However, these policies or legislative provisions are
To maximise energy performance—that is, to use the minimum amount of energy necessary to meet business objectives—a structured approach to energy management is essential. …
The mining sector is currently confronted with an energy market and evolving regulatory landscape that exerts pressure on the industry to consistently enhance its strategies and decision-making in ...
Renewable energy use in the mining industry is growing, but technical challenges still limit the quantity of renewable energy that can serve operational loads. The bulk of the mining industry's energy demand requires careful evaluation when considering renewable integration. This section presents some of these considerations.
The United States is a highly industrialized country. In 2022, the industrial sector accounted for 35% of total U.S. end-use energy consumption and 33% of total U.S. energy consumption. 1. Industry uses many energy sources. The U.S. industrial sector uses a variety of energy sources including: Natural gas
Zimbabwe highlights the weaknesses in power pooling that typically occur in third world countries, particularly when foreign currency is in short supply. The electricity industry's monopoly should be abolished, independent power producers should be attracted into the industry, and an independent regulator should be created for the …
Since 2016, indirect energy has become the largest source of energy consumption in the mining industry, and this trend has been increasing. At present, the indirect energy consumption of the mining industry is mainly in the form of electricity. Since 2018, electric power has become the largest energy source.
The use of biomass in electricity generation has been limited so far, but its potential is very high and it needs to be fully exploited. The sugar industry produces electricity for its own consumption. There is room to modernize technology in this area to enable the industry to export power to the grid. The wood industry can also generate ...
The growing energy consumption and associated carbon emission of Bitcoin mining could potentially undermine global sustainable efforts. By investigating carbon emission flows of Bitcoin blockchain ...
Bangladesh's ready-made garment sectors have evolved to increase market share in the global textile supply chain. Textile sectors heavily rely on energy and groundwater consumption during …
Introduction. Mineral wealth is an important asset that can be used to stimulate or enhance economic growth and spur infrastructure development, including the building of schools, hospitals and road networks.1 Mining has played a substantial role in the development of Ghana, which is second only to South Africa in terms of gold …
Innovation plays a critical role in the mining industry as a tool to improve the efficiency of its processes, to reduce costs, but also to meet the increasing social and environmental concerns among communities and authorities. Technological progress has also been crucial to allow the exploitation of new deposits in more complex scenarios: …
For energy systems, energy efficiency in mining activities will help reduce investment costs for new energy capacities, pressure on upstream supply systems, …
Indirect electricity-use-related emissions (Scope 2) make up the bulk (~77%) of total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions in the mining sector. Scope 2 emissions in mining in South Africa are high and more than six times the Scope 2 emissions of international peers. This is driven by the high carbon-intensity of grid electricity and the …
Global CO 2 emissions from energy combustion and industrial processes1 rebounded in 2021 to reach their highest ever annual level. A 6% increase from 2020 pushed emissions to 36.3 gigatonnes (Gt), an estimate based on the IEA's detailed region-by-region and fuel-by-fuel analysis, drawing on the latest official national data and …
Therefore, the objective was to perform a life cycle assessment (LCA) of heavy vehicles used in mining (extractive industry) to determine which vehicles have the lowest environmental impact.
The main reason for the crisis state of the industry is insufficient funding, when the volume of capital investments, which has decreased by more than 3 times, and the prices of materials and IOP ...
A study of energy use in five key mineral commodities: copper, gold, iron ore, nickel and lithium. Comminution is identified as the largest single consumer of energy in mining, …
In principle, mining could use energy recovery, renewable energy, and carbon capture to lower its energy consumption and decrease greenhouse gas …
Energy consumption across the mining value chain 3 PART 1: THE BUSINESS CASE—INFORM AND ENGAGE KEY STAKEHOLDERS 5 ... 2.5 Conduct an energy-efficiency assessment for existing operations 26 ... the mining sector. Energy management practices have evolved in leading companies from a conventional focus on …
This work is motivated in part by a lack of consensus regarding impacts such as the contemporary carbon footprint of the uranium mining, milling and refining step (Fig. 1.1).Each estimate shown in the figure incorporates its author's assumptions regarding energy consumption associated with average ore grade, waste rock to ore ratio, …
This article explores how mines can reduce emissions and costs by using renewable energy sources and storage technologies. It discusses the challenges and …
Katta et al. (2020) evaluate the Canadian mining sector using the long-term energy-environmental model and point out 15 technological innovations to minimize greenhouse gas emissions. Kayet et al. (2019) used Hyperion and Landsat satellite images to evaluate the dust concentration near the mines and surrounding areas, and confirmed …
The environmental burden of electricity is caused by power generation, and 48% of the coal consumption in China is used by the power generation industry (Restrepo et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2019).
A report by LIST that compares the environmental impacts of different electricity generation technologies using life cycle assessment methodology. It covers coal, …
Mining has a critical role to play in the transition to a net-zero economy, 1 "The raw-materials challenge: How the metals and mining sector will be at the core of enabling the energy transition," McKinsey, January 10, 2022. and the sector will likely need to reduce at least 85 percent of its emissions by 2050. 2 Lindsay Delevingne, Will …
Additionally, mined materials continue to have an ever-increasing environmental footprint, as the amount of demand for material mined has increased with population and economic growth; additionally, waste production has increased with the transition from underground mining to open pit mining; and energy, water, and reagent …
Electrifying mining equipment can reduce energy and maintenance costs, but also requires large investments and technological challenges. Learn how McKinsey analyzes the opportunities and …
Purpose Gold mining is one of the most generative economic activities in many developing countries. Gold mining operations are generally recognized not only as being too energy and material intensive, but also as a source of pollution, social insecurity, and instability. Faced with this challenge and the challenge of integrating gold mining …
Life cycle assessment of electricity generation options September 2021 1 1 Life cycle assessment of electricity 2 generation options 3 4 5 Commissioned by UNECE 6 Draft 17.09.2021 7 Authors: Thomas Gibon 1, Álvaro Hahn Menacho, Mélanie Guiton 8 1Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
Driven by rising affluence and surging demand for minerals for consumer products, infrastructure, and energy transition technologies, global mining activities expanded at an unprecedented pace in the past 20 y (1, 2).Today, mines worldwide extract double the amount of raw materials compared with the year 2000 (3, 4), with the trend expected to …