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grinding machine karl size telpe

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How I built an edge grinder for telpe mirror …

I eventually decided I needed to build a dedicated edge grinding machine. This is how I did it. I started the build by making a sturdy frame for the unit out of 2x4 lumber and 3/4 inch thick plywood.

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Grinding Machine for Large Telpe Mirrors

Grinding Machine for Large Telpe Mirrors. I designed and built a grinding machine for mirrors up to 42 inches [1.1m] in diameter. ... Size 8-1/2 inch x 7 inch x 8 inch Gear reducer dimensions: see pdf ... My first …

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Making a tachometer for a grinding / polishing machine for telpe

When making a telpe mirror on the machine, two parameters are important: the rotation speed of the mirror, and the rotation speed of the overarm eccentric. ... 10. Choose the pencil tool, make sure the size is right. Hold Shift and draw a line near the center. It will snap to the guide. Hold Shift and draw a line near the other guide ...

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Telpe Eyepiece Sizes (Full Guide)

How do I know which eyepiece size is right for my telpe? To determine the appropriate eyepiece size for your telpe, consider the telpe's focuser size. Most telpes come with a 1.25-inch focuser, making 1.25-inch eyepieces standard. Some telpes have a larger 2-inch focuser, allowing the use of both 1.25-inch and 2-inch ...

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How To Make Your Own Telpe Mirror Blanks

A telpe mirror does not need to be very thick. It can be as thin as a few inches. The thicker the mirror, the more light it can gather and the sharper the image will be. Telpe Mirror Blanks. A telpe mirror blank is a large, concave mirror that is used to collect and focus light in a telpe.

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telpes mirror grinding equipment

Grinding Machine . L-Size 2-End Gringing Machine. Axle precision core grinding machine. This model is psecially rsed for grinding sand (powder)of rough or precision grinding.Next step,use the grinding liquid to polish unti it becomes a shiny mirror surface. Finally,assemble them and inject the acrylic.PC lenses. 1100 (L)X950 (W)X1650 (H)m/m …

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12.5 Inch Telpe Mirror Kit

Save money and time by purchasing a telpe mirror kit. This kit includes an 12.5 inch telpe mirror blank, all the silicon carbide grits, white aluminum oxide powders, gugolz pitch, and cerium oxide polishyou will need to grind and polish an 12.5 inch telpe mirror all bundled in one spot. This will get you on a great start to building your own …

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Stellafane ATM: Grits, Polish & Pitch

If you have an older Telpe Making book, the grit size nomenclature in the book may no longer be used by grit vendors, particularly the American Optical Powder Numbers or the Elutriative Times. ... Mirror makers who …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Telpe Mirror Kits

Want to build your own telpe? Start with one of our telpe mirror kits. ... If you need materials for making a grinding tool or pitch lap, we have them available on our Tools page. A second mirror blank can also be used. View as Grid List. 9 Items . Show. per page. Sort By. Set Descending Direction. 4.25 Inch Telpe Mirror Kit ...

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Mirror-o-Matic mirror making machine

Spin polishing 16" mirror. Here you can see a 16" mirror being polished. Contrary to the 12" example in the previous video, very little CeO and low turntable speed is being used. The reason for this is that even using very fine optical grade CeO, as I do, a thick mix of polishing compound will generate a rough surface, as can be seen on this photograph of …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Mel Bartels' Amateur Telpe Making

I built my first grinding machine and worked on 20 inch f/4, 20 inch f/5, 24 inch f/6, 25 inch f/6 and 30 inch f/4 mirrors. I began in the 1960's and 1970's by building Palomar 200 inch inspired horseshoe mounted reflectors equipped with homemade cold cameras, processing black and white Tri-X negatives and color Ektachrome slides in my darkroom.

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The Perfect Machine: Building the Palomar Telpe

As a purchasing agent in the Astrophysics Machine Shop, Al Shea was thrilled by the 100-inch Mount Wilson telpe and grateful to be part of the construction of the 200-inch Palomar telpe. Every night at the supper table I would hear names like Bruce Rule, Mickey Sherburne, Fritz Zwicky, and Caltech's president, Robert Millikan.

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Working element, bipolar | KARL STORZ Endoskope | United …

The bipolar working element can be used with all KARL STORZ standard resectoscope sheaths and telpes in the corresponding sizes, thus allowing an inexpensive system changeover ... For telpe direction of view: 12° For telpe size: 2.9 mm: Color code: White: Number of poles: Bipolar: Type of usage: Reusable: Motion properties: …

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Cast-iron tools require patterns, castings, and heavy machine work, which the amateur usually cannot do for himself. Here I laid out a plan to overcome the difficulty and give amateurs the chance to grind mirrors of any size to a correct spherical form with simple means, and without heavy machine work. A glance at Plate VII, a, shows the principle.

  • منتوجات جديدة
How I built an edge grinder for telpe mirror blanks.

I eventually decided I needed to build a dedicated edge grinding machine. This is how I did it. I started the build by making a sturdy frame for the unit out of 2x4 lumber and 3/4 inch thick plywood. Wheels were added to the bottom of the unit so it can be wheeled outside. The grinding operation will be messy, so it will need to be done outside.

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Fast manufacturing of E-ELT mirror segments using CNC …

We report on the first-ever demonstration of grinding and polishing full-size, off-axis aspheric, mirror segments as prototypes for an extremely large telpe, processed entirely in the final hexagonal shape. We first describe the overall strategy for controlling form and mid spatial frequencies, at levels in the vicinity of <10nm RMS …

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Amateur Telpe Making Main Page

Telpe Formulas and Design Comparator This page has formulas for many telpe and mirror parameters. It will calculate parameters for two different telpe designs and compare the results for you. It provides data to help in selecting a telpe, and also provides information necessary for mirror making and testing.

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Telpe Making/Making the Optics

The change in size as a telpe adapts to chilly night-time air makes for a nasty transition period before you can view the stars. The glass will move enough to mar the figure of the mirror—its ability to direct all of the light to one point—and you are basically stuck until the mirror equalizes with the environment.

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Productive Modes for Ultra-Precision Grinding of …

generated using a raster grinding process offered by a 3 linear axes Cartesian frame grinding machine. In the case of the BoX® machine, 4 of these 400mm square shape NiF lenses can be ground in a single set up as depicted in Figure 6. A 3.5 hour production grinding time can be achieved for the freeform

  • منتوجات جديدة
Mel Bartels' Amateur Telpe Making

I finished my 20 inch fully computerized telpe in 1994 with which I took some early CCD images. My Dobson era begin in 1981 with a bang: a 24 inch f5.5. I built my first …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Telpe mirror grinding?

As anyone heard of or done any mirror grinding for a primary telpe? I just got into astronomy and would like to see if I can use my rou ... Mirror Grinding Machine Grinding-Polishing-Figuring-Testing Mirrors Stellafane ATM Main Page. 03-19-2012, 08:20 PM #3. Jimsz. ... that is a very nice size for most purposes, does not …

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Telpe Making Links

Telpe Making Links - Designs and Techniques. Ideas and how to do things. General Information. Amateur Telpe Maker's (ATM) Archives. The ATM Page. Getting Started with Building Your First Telpe. …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Mirror Grinding Machine

The true test of the amateur astronomer is building their own telpe. Grinding and polishing your own mirrors is a long, arduous process. Instead of lapping the blank by hand, Laurie Hall built …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Amateur Telpe Making Main Page

There are a lot of misconceptions about making a mirror - read this even if you don't plan to make a mirror, but just want to know how it is done - with your bare hands and a few …

  • منتوجات جديدة
8 Inch Telpe Mirror Kit

An 8 inch aperture telpe is a great size for beginning and experienced amateur telpe makers. The first and key piece that you will need to make for your telpe is the primary, or objective, mirror. You will …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Telpe Making Links

Astronomy, telpe making,mirror grinding and testing Large Thin Mirror Making by Mel Bartels Grinding Machines Mirror-o-matic Tom Waineo's Desktop Grinding/Polishing Machine Ken Lilja's Grinding Machine Grinding Machine Figuring Figuring a Paraboidal mirror by thermal predistortion Optical Testing The Basics of Telpe Testing Test Stand

  • منتوجات جديدة
Grinding metre scale mirror segments for the E-ELT ground based telpe

In the 1980s machines such as the OAGM—off-axis grinding machine—built for Eastman Kodak [8] had a 2.5 m capacity with a grinding accuracy of approaching 1 part in 10 6. Such state of the art machines today require high levels of investment for both acquisition and operation, and do not offer the levels of throughput …

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The Rosse six-foot telpe, was the largest telpe in the world

Parsons improved the techniques of casting, grinding and polishing large telpe mirrors from speculum metal, and constructed steam-powered grinding machines for parabolic mirrors. His 3 ft (90 cm) mirror of 1839 was cast in smaller pieces, fitted together before grinding and polishing; its 1840 successor was cast in a single piece.

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6 Inch Telpe Mirror Kit

A 6 inch aperture telpe is a great size for beginning and experienced amateur telpe makers. The first and key piece that you will need to make for your telpe is the primary, or objective, mirror. You will grind your mirror blank with smaller and smaller abrasives until you have produced a spherical or paraboloidal surface.

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test Precision Annealed Supremax Telpe Mirror Blanks Corning no longer produces Pyrex for optical use, however Advanced Glass Industries has a limited stock ... Standard Supremax Telpe Mirror Blank Size List. Diameter - Thickness 6" - 1.000" 8" - 1.375" 10" - 1.625" 12" - 2.000" 14" - 2.000" ... AGI can diamond machine ID holes into ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Grinding an 8″ F/10 Telpe Mirror –

Grinding an 8″ F/10 Telpe Mirror. For this project (my first time ever grinding a mirror) I ordered an 8″ Black Vitrified Ceramic (BVC) blank without a pregenerated curve from ASM Products in Ste-Basile PQ. ... .25 sagitta very quickly and switched to 80 – I was quickly told on ATM-LIST that 46 was WAAAAY too rough for this …

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How to Make a Lens for a Telpe (A Step-by-Step Guide)

Each component serves a distinct purpose. The main telpe tube houses the telpe's optics. The focuser connects the eyepiece to the telpe and allows for fine adjustments. The mirror or lens cell holds the telpe's primary mirror or lens. The eyepiece holder secures the eyepiece, and the finder scope helps you aim the telpe.

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Making my own fixed post mirror grinding/polishing machine

Page 1 of 2 - Making my own fixed post mirror grinding/polishing machine - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: Hey guys. Im thinking of making my own fixed post mirror grinding/polishing and curve generating machine. Ive got loads of questions regarding the design so Ill just start firing away Do I need an eccentric moving tool to be …

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Materials & Tools

The Tools: Grinding & Polishing. You will need two tools: A hard tool for rough and fine grinding, and a soft tool, or pitch lap, for polishing and figuring. Traditionally, the pitch lap was made on top of the grinding …

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Grinding a Telpe Mirror: The Non-DIY Project

I have completed DIY projects before, but the grinding of a primary mirror seemed beyond my need to satisfactorily say that I could build my own telpe. There is so much more to it than just the primary mirror – the tube, the many proper measurements, the mount wood cutting, the secondary mirror's spider, the swivel construction, to name ...

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Remember that visible light is on the order of 400 nm wavelength, so ideally you should grind it down to be smooth at that size, which requires some really fine …

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