This Blog is following in a Timeline all acivitys of Muscledom Anna Konda! German Muscledom Mixed Wrestling Sessions, Powerdomination. As there are her activitys …
Biggest strongest Wrestler Anna Konda. Wrestling Fights Live in Berlin. Springe zum Inhalt ... this breaks her skull and neck …and with this move i also broke ... Gnadenlose tödliche Crocodile Role! Alle meine Wrestling Fights seht ihr HIER! I looove to crush. I love the Feeling when bones break under the pressure of …
"No, I'm not going to crush your skull with my thighs," Dunne said in the deleted video. "Also, I'm not your mommy." Dunne's fan base is massive, but unsurprisingly, has quite a few ...
Documentary about Anna Konda & the Fight Club Berlin The visual concept was to show the dynamic of fighting and celebrate the bodies of the fighters. At the same time we wanted to show the friendship between Anna Konda and her trainings partner Red Devil (especially during a fight) and of course the philosophy of the …
A short film about Anna Konda, a fighter and leader of the FFCB, a Berlin club that empowers women through combat. The film follows her as a wanted specialist in the …
Watch how Anna Konda, a Berlin-based fighter and trainer, and her partner Red Devil practice and fight in a unique setting. The documentary features neon lights, dynamic …
anna konda the naturalborndom Germany´s Nr.1 Powerdom Strongwoman, Powerlifter Sessionwrestler and Strongest Muscledom. Real Muscle Domination
Anna-Konda Lecture for all about how she crush men and women. Lecture for all about how she crush men and women.
Can German Prisons Teach America How to Handle Its Most Violent Criminals? 06.19.15. ... Anna Konda Can Crush Your Skull Between Her Massive Thighs. 10.21.14. By Emily Wasik. VICE Media.
This Blog is following in a Timeline all acivitys of Muscledom Anna Konda! German Muscledom Mixed Wrestling Sessions, Powerdomination. As there are her activitys being the former Owner of the Fightclub Berlin, Domina of Matriarchism Institute and live reports about all vs Fights of her.
VICE meets Anna Konda: strength athlete, pleasant scene symbol, and woman become rejecting attitude toward normative slimming and beauty ideals in...
These videos often feature her crushing watermelons or sheep skulls between her thighs, emasculating men, or instructing women on how to dominate. However, Anna's not …
My Legs at work! But this is only the warm up for my Muscles. If i flex a little more he pops like the Melons i Crush. When People ask me if i ever finished this i can only say -if yes i wouldnt post...
See the "Crushed by her" Movie! Starring Anna Konda. at the Berlinale in Berlin at the Present! Here you can watch and vote for the movie! She crush him in a Reverse Bearhug!... Crushed by her · February 11, 2016 · See the "Crushed by her" Movie! Starring Anna Konda. at the Berlinale in Berlin at the Present! ...
. Anna Konda Will Sit on Your Face and You'll Like It. At Berlin's Fight Club, women put men in their place—squished under a naked lady's assmeat. I caught up with …
I caught up with club founder Anna Konda to discuss her life as a skull crushing dom and why she believes women should always be on top. Emily Wasik. 10.20.14. Advertisement. Advertisement.
Here is why I think many fans of wrestling find Anna Konda to be very erotic. She's blonde; she's German, very independent, knows what she wants and is shapely. If you love to watch another fit, …
Anna Konda in den Medien als Kraftsportlerin, Bodybuilderin, Wrestlerin, Strongwoman. Über Kraftsport, Strongwomen Competitions, Wrestling und Mixed Wrestling.
Anna Konda Can Crush Your Skull Between Her Massive Thighs. The Fight Club founder tells us why women should always be on top. Emily Wasik. 21.10.14. Annons. Nyare. Page 1 of 1. Äldre.
The strongest Wrestler Anna Konda. Germany´s strongest. Die stärkste Deutsche. Huge Muscles. Biggest FBB! Heavyweight FBB. Heavy Musclewoman. Springe zum Inhalt. Naturalborndom Strongwomen Mixed and Wrestling This Blog is following in a Timeline all acivitys of Muscledom Anna Konda! ...
Now she can be found sitting on men's faces and squeezing their heads until they are on the verge of popping between her Amazonian thighs.
The Fate of the Serpent 14 So the LORD God said to the serpent: "Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and every beast of the field! On your belly will you go, and dust you will eat, all the days of your life. 15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and …
Anna Konda join the Ring to make new Prey Anna Konda lift Red Devil Anna Konda toss her around Armbar attack hard to escape things Change red devil must smell the taste of the mighty Anna Konda yeah fight over Applause join in for oilwrestling red devil follow Lord have mercy what a difference between Anna Konda and Red …
VICE meets Anna Konda: strength athlete, pleasant scene symbol, and woman become rejecting attitude toward normative slimming and beauty ideals in...
Page 2- Dear Anna-Konda..... Wrestling & Fighting Discussion. Check out the latest release by Fight Pulse: Fight Pulse:
Anna Konda toss 1.90m guy around like a Doll. Her Legs play Piano with his Ribs till they flex harder and crush him like a rotten tomatoe! Some Years...
The Giant Snakes Squeeze till you Pop! Anna Konda Crushpower! Short before a Skull breaks between her Legs she make these Pictures with the Victims Mobile Phone Cam! Deadly Sessions:...
Anna Konda Can Crush Your Skull Between Her Massive Thighs. 10.21.14. By Emily Wasik. Werner Herzog Has a Lot of Time for WrestleMania. 08.26.14. By Nathalie Olah, Photos: Jamie Lee Curtis Taete.
Wrestling Crushes. Deadly Bodyscissors and Headscissors. Biggest strongest Wrestler Anna Konda. Wrestling Fights Live in Berlin.
Turns out the human skull can withstand 6.5 GPa of pressure, while oak holds up under 11, concrete 30, aluminum 69 and steel 200. Atop the charts is graphene, which Mattei described as "a ...
Martial Arts Fights Anna Anna-Konda in a Handicap Match from the Pinned Position. This is her first Wrestling Experience with the mighty Anna Konda. She get an Idea now what it means if Anna Konda gets really rough on the Mat!
Well, friend, you'll be glad to know that your skull can pack quite a punch itself! The average human skull has been estimated to have the compressive strength of around 1000 kilograms, which is roughly equivalent to a grand piano falling from a height of 30 centimeters. ... Can a car crush a human skull. Cars are formidable machines, …
She is Karate Fighter too. A Big Suprise was her Suprise about Anna Kondas Power. Shawna was not Caraful enough to escape Anna´s crushing holds and Legscissors. If Anna Konda catch anyone then the Person is lost. So also Shawna. She was not able to finish that Fight after Anna Konda choked her. She tried but it was impossible.