To understand why mining company managers (especially those in the areas of community relations, corporate affairs, social performance, and corporate social responsibility) fail to adequately ...
Mostert, Hanri, and others, 'Corporate Social Responsibility in the Mining Industries of Namibia, South Africa, and Zambia: Choices and Consequences', in Lila Barrera-Hernández, and others (eds), Sharing the Costs and Benefits of Energy and Resource Activity: Legal Change and Impact on Communities (Oxford, 2016; online edn, Oxford …
This study evaluates four mining companies' corporate social responsibility (CSR) health ... Current literature on copper mining CSR often investigates corporate policies from an all-encompassing scope, analyzing the efficacy of every branch of a corporation's CSR policy. This study narrows the scope to specifically analyze CSR health ...
Drawing on the example of industrial mining in Madagascar, this article explores the emergence of biodiversity offsets as a corporate social responsibility strategy (CSR) put forward by companies and their implications for …
THE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REGULATIONS, 2023. Leave a Comment / By madini / December 8, 2023 . THE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REGULATIONS, 2023. ... The Mining Commission HQ Kikuyu Avenue, P.O Box 2292, Dodoma. Telephone: + 255 262323827 Email: [email protected]. …
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the mining industry. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the process by which companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and transactions with stakeholders on a voluntary basis (Dahlsrud, 2006:7).
This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) performance and the economic growth of European mining …
This chapter discusses corporate social responsibility (CSR) and labor policies that guide the mining industry in South Africa. Diale reveals that mining is the backbone of the South African economy.Consequently, mining companies abiding by CSR policies are bound to succeed.
Current conceptions of CSR and its practice in Namibia's mining industry are strongly underpinned by an emphasis on the 'business case' (Carroll & Shabana, 2009) and …
Globally, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a complex issue, but even more so in a mineral rich, developing country such as South Africa. There are various interpretations, approaches and perceptions of CSR not only in …
The purpose of this paper is to explore how and what drives corporate social responsibility (CSR) in host communities of mining companies in developing countries.
The case takes place in Peru in the aftermath of the worst mercury spill in history by a transportation contractor for Newmont Mining Corporation. BHP Billiton, which has no connection to Newmont, but is affected by increased hostility toward mining companies, enters into an agreement with Oxfam to conduct training on sustainability …
We examine the corporate social responsibility (CSR) experience of the mining industry and the limitations of CSR activities. We consider the dominant …
KEY WORDS: Corporate social responsibility, com-munity relations, indigenous local communities, multi-national mining companies ... of the mine was a fulfillment of cargo cult yearnings,
Editor's Note: Ties between mining companies and the communities, stakeholders and governments hosting their operations through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are seldom well-defined. Maintaining …
ABSTRACT. This paper investigates how and why governments use both regulatory and extra-juridical pressures to influence what are normally considered to be the voluntary corporate social responsibility contributions of mining firms to local social and economic development that go beyond compliance with regulatory requirements.
Through corporate social responsibility, the mining industry may maintain its exemplary status among African countries (Abugre, 2014). The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationships between corporate social responsibility, environmental policies, and community complaints, and
This paper focuses on the comparison of corporate social responsibility in mining industry. It compares specific territorial areas of two different countries - one of them country that could be ...
The implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and health and safety management systems such as ISO45001 differs considerably from company to company, and this might ...
This paper aims to explore the motivations and challenges of engaging host communities in CSR practices within the context of Newmont Ahafo Mines (NAM), a subsidiary of a Multinational Mining Enterprise (MNE) operating in Ghana's mining sector. This paper draws insights from stakeholder theory and interviews conducted with …
A new quantitative index to analyse the corporate social responsibility (CSR) level of mine sites was developed, providing an easy and friendly tool to analyse and apply a continuous improvement approach to CSR levels, being able to involve all the potential stakeholders. The index can be used in any type of project and stage: …
The Canadian mining industry knows that there is a right way and a wrong way to operate. Doing it right builds trust among communities and decision-makers, and reduces key business risks – both critical elements to a company's bottom line. The business of mining carries great responsibility to the communities that surround operations and to […]
Corporate Social Responsibility, Migration and Livelihood Choices in Zambia Word count: 9392 Whilst Corporate Social Responsibility is now part and parcel of many multinational mining operations, and a 'sustainable mining' narrative a fundamental part of their public persona, companies still struggle to provide secure, long-term livelihoods ...
Corporate social responsibility, mining and sustainable development in Namibia: critical reflections through a relational lens Article Accepted Version Littlewood, D. (2015) Corporate social responsibility, mining and sustainable development in Namibia: critical reflections through a relational lens. Development Southern Africa, 32 (2). pp. 240 ...
This paper explores recent trends in the reporting of such impacts and issues in the global mining industry. It offers a detailed review of the development of the media of social and environmental disclosure in the mining industry, and of the factors that drive …
In this study, we consider two major mining companies in Ghana, Anglogold Ashanti and Newmont Ghana Gold Limited, and draw on a sample from communities in which these …
Mining companies have long had a questionable reputation for social responsibility, especially in developing countries. In recent years, mining companies operating in developing countries have come under increased pressure as opponents have placed them under greater public scrutiny. Mining companies have responded by developing global …
The Mining (Corporate Social Responsibility) Regulations, 2023 (the Regulations) were published on 23 June 2023 by the Minister of minerals under Government Notice Number 409 of 2023. These Regulations have been introduced to ensure the proper and timely implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) …
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a key to communication with people in an ethical way in the mining industry. • Many small mining companies are still hesitant …
Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility in mining industries. Companies have to find the balance between the productive activity and CSR. The paper aims …
This notwithstanding, mining companies have an obligation to fulfil towards the communities they operate within as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
CSR IN SOUTH AFRICA'S MINING INDUSTRY: AN ASSESSMENT SAIIA POLICY BRIEFING 142 2 Hamann argues that companies have approached corporate social responsibility programmes as 'ad hoc charitable donations to good causes'.3 Mining companies' CSR policies generally focus on education and health initiatives in the …
Much of the debate in Africa with regard to mining has been on the question on whether or not mining is good for development. While some scholars agree that mining is indeed good for development, others have argued that the structural constraints found in many developing nations render mining almost untenable. Corporate social …
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is often used to describe the social and environmental contributions and consequences of corporative activities and action. It entails three key dimensions- …
Mining companies have publicly committed to improving sustainable development outcomes under the auspices of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which is frequently framed as a 'triple bottom line' …
The main reason for the prominence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the mining sector is a result of the fact that, in general, the sector negatively affects local communities socially, economically, and environmentally. The sector is criticised by civil society, the Government, and local activists in the host areas.