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apatite exploitation in florida in canada

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Apatite – Geology In

Lunar science. Moon rocks collected by astronauts during the Apollo program contain traces of apatite. Re-analysis of these samples in 2010 revealed water trapped in the mineral as hydroxyl, leading to estimates of water on the lunar surface at a rate of at least 64 parts per billion – 100 times greater than previous estimates – and as high as 5 parts per million.

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Preliminary compilation of apatite fission-track data in Canada

PDF | On Mar 19, 2019, Nicolas Pinet published Preliminary compilation of apatite fission-track data in Canada | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

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Apatite in carbonatitic rocks: Compositional variation, …

The structure of apatite is tolerant to a wide range of substitutions (Table 1).Some of the large substituent cations are accommodated preferentially either in the ninefold-coordinated Ca1 site, or the Ca2 site coordinated by six oxygens and F (± OH ± Cl).Element partitioning between Ca1 and Ca2 in chlorapatite differs from that in fluor- …

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Apatite: A Mineral for All Seasons

Apatite is a widespread accessory mineral in igneous, metamorphic, and clastic sedimentary rocks and can be dated using four radioactive decay schemes, each with a different temperature window for isotopic closure: Lu–Hf (675–750 °C); U–Pb (350–550 °C); apatite fission track (60–110 °C); (U–Th)/He (40–80 °C).

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Pyrochlore from the Silver Crater Mine, ON, Canada

The Crystallinity of Apatite in Contact with Metamict Pyrochlore from the Silver Crater Mine, ON, Canada ... Gainesville, FL 32611, USA; * Correspondence: [email protected]

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Carbonatites: related ore deposits, resources, …

Although there is no universally applicable method used in exploration for carbonatites and related mineral deposits, on the regional …

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Confusion between Carbonate Apatite and …

Biological apatite in enamel, dentin, cementum, and bone is highly individualized hydroxyapatite with high tissue dependency. Often, standard and average textbook values for biological apatite do not apply …

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Identification, Characterization and Properties of Apatites

The parameters of unit cell, structure, refractive index, solubility data, PO4/CO3 ratio, surface area, etc., are important parameters for characterization of phosphate rocks. Third chapter of this book introduces methods for identification, characterization and properties of apatites in four main sections. The first part …

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Trace element concentrations in apatites from the Sept …

Apatites from iron oxide Cu-Au (IOCG) and related Kiruna-type iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits in Canada, China, and Mexico typically have large negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu∗ = 0.2-1.5) and low ...

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Apatite | Properties, Occurrence, Uses

Apatite is a mineral that is composed of calcium phosphate, with the chemical formula Ca5(PO4)3(OH,F,Cl). It is a member of the apatite group of minerals, which also includes hydroxylapatite and …

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In situ S isotopic analysis in apatite using laser ablation …

The S isotope composition (34 S/ 32 S) in apatite has been considered as a new powerful tool to trace S source reservoirs and to evaluate redox state and dynamic sulfur behavior in magmatic systems.This study presents the first in situ method to analyze S isotope compositions in apatite using laser ablation multiple collector inductively …

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Selective depression by using environment-friendly …

1. Introduction. As a commonly non-metallic element, phosphorus plays a pivotal role in living cells and is widely used in agriculture and medicine engineering (Feng et al., 2022, Liu et al., 2021).Phosphate ores as the primary sources of phosphorus are vital raw materials in the phosphorus industry, and one of phosphate ores valuable minerals …

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Melt inclusions in apatite from the Schickler Occurence and Dwyer mine, two fluorite-bearing carbonatitic "vein dikes'' situated near the town of Wilberforce, Ontario, Canada, are examined in an ...

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Large Apatite in Calcite

Large Apatite in Calcite from Yates mine, Otter Lake, Québec, Canada. Large Apatite in Calcite. ... Description: A very large and perfectly crystallized greenish-brown Apatite crystal in a Salmon Calcite matrix. This specimen is exception for its excellent and almost perfect termination, as well as its size. Has a minor repair in the center ...

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Formation of chlor- and fluor-apatite in layered intrusions

Formation of chlor- and fluor-apatite in layered intrusions R. Grant Cawthorn. R. Grant Cawthorn University of the Witwatersrand, Department of Geology, Witwatersrand, South Africa. Search for other works by this author on: GSW. Google Scholar. Author and Article Information

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(PDF) The Lac Des Iles Palladium Deposit, Ontario, Canada. Part …

Apatite from relatively fresh norite and melanorites from the Pd-sulfide zone contain up to 57 mol% chlorapatite endmember with significant hydroxyapatite component.

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Apatite from Crystals to Phosphate Rock | Rock & Gem …

Apatite crystals are a favorite among collectors with their stubby, terminated, hexagonal prisms, glassy transparency, and soft, yellow-to-greenish-yellow or blue mineral colors.These beautiful crystals rank high on blue gems and minerals lists.Much is mined in Mexico.. However, most of the apatite in the Earth's crust occurs not as macrocrystals, …

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Minerals | Free Full-Text | Apatite Chemical Compositions …

The geochemistry of apatite crystals from fifteen fertile and infertile Acadian-related granitoids of New Brunswick (Canada) was studied in situ, using electron microprobe and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry to further investigate petrogenesis and fertility index among these intrusions. The results indicate …

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Apatite: the great unknown gemstone | The Jewellery Editor

Apatite is very much an insider gemstone collectors' secret largely unknown to the general public. Occurring in a kaleidoscope of colours – including an electrifying shade of neon blue often confused with the Paraiba tourmaline –apatite is considered a prized possession among collectors. Join us on a voyage into the secret heart of apatite …

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Structural and crystal-chemical characteristics of the apatite …

Introduction. Recent investigations [1, 2] and earlier works [3, 4] have shown that the mineral of cardiovascular pathological deposits consists of poorly crystalline carbonate-substituted apatite.However, the chemical diversity of biological apatites [5, 6] allows great variability in their reactivity and biological properties providing a unique …

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Trace Element Content and Partition in Apatite Group …

Apatite supergroup is a term referring to a series of hexagonal and monoclinic phosphates having the general chemical formula IX M1 4 VII M2 6 (IV TO 4) 6 X 2 [].The most common minerals of this group are the calcium phosphates, and the occupation of the X site defines terms as fluorapatite, chlorapatite or hydroxylapatite, …

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Mineralogy and genesis of pyrochlore apatitite from The …

Apatite lacks fluid or solid inclusions of other minerals. The apatite is rich in Sr (7030–13,000 ppm) and rare earth elements and exhibits depletions in La, Ce, Pr and …

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A mineralogical perspective on the apatite in bone

The other two common minerals of the apatite group are chlorapatite and fluorapatite. Geological apatite, which is the most abundant phosphate mineral in the Earth's crust, typically has various proportions of OH −, F −, and Cl − within the channel site [8], [9]. Fluorapatite is the mineral that we artificially create on the outer surface ...

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Apatite: Mineral information, data and localities.

"Apatite" is a field term for unidentified calcium phosphate members of the apatite group. Most "apatite" is fluorapatite, whereas hydroxylapatite is much less common and chlorapatite is very rare. "Apatite" crystals are short to long hexagonal prisms [0001], with {10 1 0} and {10 1 1} dominant; also thick tabular {0001}, frequently in the crystals of …

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The origin of mineralizing hydrothermal fluids recorded in apatite

The distribution and abundance of major, minor and trace elements in hydrothermal and magmatic apatite associated with the Cantung W-Cu skarn deposit, Northwest Territories, Canada was studied to ...

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Trace elements in apatite from Gejiu Sn polymetallic district

The Gejiu Sn-polymetallic ore district is located within the southeastern region of Yunnan Province (Fig. 1), contains approximately 335.74 Mt of Sn ores at an average grade of 1% Sn, as well as 357.11 Mt of Cu ores with an average grade of 2% Cu (Zhao et al., 2019), and 429 Mt of Pb-Zn ores averaging 7% Pb + Zn (Guo, 2019).These deposits …

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apatite exploitation in florida in canada_Ore milling …

apatite exploitation in florida in canada . China Heavy Industry is an import-export joint-stock company that specializes in the production of large and medium-sized …

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Implication of Apatite and Anhydrite for …

The Benjamin River apatite prospect in northern New Brunswick, Canada, is hosted by the Late Silurian Dickie Brook plutonic complex, which is …

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Formation of chlor- and fluor-apatite in layered intrusions; a …

Formation of chlor- and fluor-apatite in layered intrusions; a comment Alan Boudreau. Alan Boudreau Duke University, Department of Geology, Durham, NC, United States. Search for other works by this author on: GSW. Google Scholar. Author and Article Information Alan Boudreau Duke University, Department of Geology, Durham, NC, United States ...

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Trace element concentrations in apatites from the Sept-Îles …

Apatite-oxide-rich rocks (e.g. nelsonite) occur in a wide variety of rock types. Nelsonites occur in felsic and calco-alkaline granitic rocks but are more common …

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In situ Sr isotope analysis of apatite by LA-MC-ICPMS: …

Apatite is a ubiquitous accessory mineral in a variety of rocks and hydrothermal ores. Strontium isotopes of apatite are well known to retain petrogenetic information and have been widely used to investigate the origin of igneous rocks, but such attempts have rarely been made to constrain ore-forming processes of hydrothermal …

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First Phosphate Corp. Welcomes the Addition of Apatite …

Saguenay, Quebec – January 23, 2023 – First Phosphate Corp. ("First Phosphate" or the "Company") (CSE: PHOS) (OTC: FRSPF) (FSE: KD0) is pleased to announce that the Quebec Minister of Natural Resources and Forests ("MRNF"), Mme Maïté Blanchette Vézina, unveiled today the 2023-2025 Action Plan for the implementation of the Quebec …

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mineral processing plants in north florida – Grinding Mill China

We operate one of the largest paper processing plants in North Florida. >> [ Get Price ] FPM … » Free online chat! apatite exploitation in florida in Canada – Gulin Mineral Processing … Metal mineral processing Non-metallic mineral processing: Stone crushing plant. … very complex development. along the Atlantic coast from North ...

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Strain localization and fluid-assisted deformation in apatite …

Evidence of apatite crystal-plastic deformation and recrystallization. •. Apatite recrystallized at condition of ∼480 - 530°C and 2.2 – 5.0 kbar. •. Recrystallized apatite …

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Apatite: New Finds at Pulsifer Quarry | Rock & Gem Magazine

Apatite occurs in a variety of geological environments but can be well developed in granitic pegmatites. It may be colorless, white, brown, green, yellow, blue or purple. In apatite, the purple color is caused by manganese. Purple apatite is found in a number of localities around the world, including several in Maine.

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