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environmental issues associated with mining antimony ngo

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Potential toxic heavy metals in village topsoil of antimony mining …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Potential toxic heavy metals in village topsoil of antimony mining area: Pollution and distribution, environmental safety----A case study of Qilijiang village in xikuangshan mining area, central Hunan Province, China" by Zhaoqi Cai et al. ... Human health risk associated with metal exposure at Agbogbloshie …

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Environmental, hydrological, and social impacts of coal and …

The main objective of this study is to review the environmental and hydrological issues associated with mining processes according to the stages in the lifecycle of a mine, the mineral type, and the different mining facilities, as well as the characteristics of the contaminants, by mainly focusing on the coal and aggregate …

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How a gold-stibnite restoration in Idaho could add antimony …

US Antimony, which received a $510,500 grant from the US Department of Defense, has the only primary antimony processing facilities in North America and the Stibnite Gold project is poised to be ...

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The Legacy of Potential Environmental Soil Contamination in an Antimony

The first global-scale assessment of Sb contamination in soil that was related to mining/smelting activities was conducted based on 91 articles that were published between 1989 and 2021.

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Geochemical behaviors of antimony in mining-affected water environment …

Antimony (Sb) is a harmful element, and Sb pollution is one of the typical environmental issues in China, meaning that understanding of the geochemical behaviors of Sb is the key to control the fate of environmental Sb pollution. Sb tends to migrate in soluble form in the water–sediment system, but the fate of dissolved Sb is poorly known. Duliujiang river …

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The environmental criticality of primary raw materials – A …

Environmental aspects are more and more relevant for raw material policy-making and responsible sourcing strategies. This trend is partly based on growing public awareness of problems and impacts associated with extraction and processing of ores and minerals. Disaster events such as the tailing dam failures in Kolontár (Hungary, …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Geochemical behaviors of antimony in mining-affected …

Antimony pollution is one of the typical environmental issues of China. The geochemical behaviors of Sb were investigated in mining-impacted water …

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MINING IN ZAMBIA: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 'Brenda Dixon, 2Bryan Tisch, 3Gerhad Kangamba ... antimony and selenium. There are tailings deposits with copper grades of up to 3% which are being re-mined. Emeralds are also mined in the ... environmental and safety issues associated with abandoned and defunct facilities as …

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The global generation of electronic waste (e-waste) has been increasing alarmingly, posing significant environmental and health risks. Urban mining, which involves extracting valuable resources from e-waste, has emerged as a promising solution to address these challenges and promote sustainable resource management.

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Science of The Total Environment

Sulfur (34 S) and strontium (87 Sr) isotopes have been widely used in coal and multi-metal mining processes to investigate environmental contamination problems in water, soil and air (de Caritat et al., 2005, Dogramaci and Herczeg, 2002, Gammons et al., 2013, Gammons et al., 2010, Gammons et al., 2009). Sulfate has a wide range of …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Potential toxic heavy metals in village topsoil of antimony mining …

1. Introduction. With the development of antimony mines and the expansion and development of their mining areas, the health of antimony mining villages' inhabitants is deteriorating (Jiang et al., 2020), and the pollution of toxic elements in the rural topsoil and its environmental safety have attracted widespread attention.In addition, Sb and its …

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Cellular and molecular mechanisms of antimony

A summary of how antimony enters and affects cells, and how cells deal with the presence of this metalloid to acquire resistance is provided. Environmental context Antimony is a toxic metalloid that is used in a wide range of modern technology applications and in medical treatments. The accelerating needs for antimony in various …

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Antimony: will China continue to control supply

The plant is being built with superior environmental performance, according to SPMP. Based on a long-term antimony price of $8,500 a ton, the company estimates that the net present value of the project is around $279m. ... Although mining antimony is cheaper in China because of labour costs and the typically large deposits, the trend in ...

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How to Advance Sustainable Mining | International Institute …

Mining stimulates associated business opportunities, such as transport and waste recycling. Mine operations are often in remote areas, producing economic spin-offs in areas where employment opportunities are scarce and economic activities are limited. ... At the same time, legacy environmental, health, and safety issues had diminished mining ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Correlation between microbial diversity and geochemistry of

Large-scale mining activities have led to many environmental problems, such as heavy metal pollution, among which antimony (Sb) is a relatively new pollutant and is often accompanied by arsenic (As) pollution for Sb mining (E. Álvarez-Ayuso et al., 2012; YanMing Zhu et al., 2020).It was reported that approximately 1315 of Sb and 70 mg/kg …

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Environmental Risks of Mining

Additional Environmental Problems with Mining: In addition to the issues addressed above, there are many other environmental issues associated with mining: Carbon output. Mining, like most heavy industries, is dependent on fossil fuels, which generate the energy needed to operate a mine. To combat these carbon emissions, some countries …

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Teemo NGO – We are focused on combating climate change …

We are focused on combating climate change and empowering the community on environmental issues. According to the United Nations (2018) has listed the 11 threats of the world peace and among those threats there is climate change in the earth. ... To become the best NGO that provides training and innovative solution on environment …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Correlation between microbial diversity and …

Large-sc ale mining activities have led to many environmental problems, such as heavy metal pollution, among which antimony (Sb) i s a relatively new pollutant and is often accompanied …

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A review of the environmental chemical behavior, detection …

Antimony is a toxic metalloid in the group VA of the fifth period of the periodic table. Antimony used in the lead-zinc tailings is mainly stibnite (Sb 2 S 3 ) [2], and many studies reported that ...

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Reopening Stibnite Mine Faces Environmental Pushback

Production of antimony became critical during World War II, when it was used for batteries, flame retardant and weapons. "It was a huge boon to the World War II efforts," said ia Gillerman, a research geologist with the Idaho Geological Survey. "It was crucial." Mining in the Stibnite District expanded throughout the war.

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Antimony-complexed heavy metal wastewater in antimony …

Antimony mining areas generate a large amount of wastewater containing complex heavy metals, which poses a threat to the health of residents and surrounding …

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antimony is usually mixed with other metals such as lead and zinc to form mixtures of metals called alloys. These alloys are used in lead storage batteries, solder, sheet and pipe metal, bearings, castings, type metal, ammunition, and pewter. Antimony enters the environment during the mining and processing of its ores and in the production of

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20 international NGOs defending environmental rights

The Environmental Law Association is an NGO based in South Africa. As the environmental issues are increasing, environmental law on the international scene expands. This organization contributes to a better understanding, teaching and developing of the complex regulatory systems such as environmental law and policies.

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en/162/environmental issues associated with mining antimony ngo…

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Antimony in the environment: a review focused on natural waters…

Antimony is a naturally occurring element. It belongs to the group 15 of the Periodic Table of the Elements. Antimony can exist in a variety of oxidation states (−III, 0, III, V) but it is mainly found in two oxidation states (III and V) in environmental, biological and geochemical samples.

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Antimony contamination and its risk management in …

Abstract. Antimony (Sb) is introduced into soils, sediments, and aquatic environments from various sources such as weathering of sulfide ores, leaching of mining wastes, and anthropogenic activities. High Sb concentrations are toxic to ecosystems …

  • منتوجات جديدة
The Legacy of Potential Environmental Soil …

One of the metals most intensely exploited was antimony, with or without associated gold mineralization. This research intends to verify the extent of the current environmental legacy of ancient …

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Characteristics, Accumulation, and Potential …

Antimony (Sb), a priority pollutant listed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), can cause adverse effects on human health, with particular impacts on skin, eyes, gastrointestinal …

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MIT's accidental smelting discovery unlocks the potential of …

Antimony is a semi-metallic element used in various applications, but its production is usually done by heat smelting. MIT researchers accidentally found a new …

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Understanding the impacts of mining on local environments …

Mining for clean energy materials can threaten water sources, pollute environments, and displace populations in Chile and other regions. Learn how MIT …

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A review of the environmental chemical behavior, detection …

Redox conditions and speciation affect the fate of antimony in the environment. • The treatment of antimony in environment media is systematically …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Geochemical behaviors of antimony in mining-affected water environment …

Antimony (Sb) is a harmful element, and Sb pollution is one of the typical environmental issues in China, meaning that understanding of the geochemical behaviors of Sb is the key to control the ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
How a gold-stibnite restoration in Idaho could …

US Antimony, which received a $510,500 grant from the US Department of Defense, has the only primary antimony processing facilities in North America and the Stibnite Gold project is poised to be ...

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Framework for Responsible Mining --- HOME

The Framework for Responsible Mining is a joint effort by NGOs, retailers, investors, insurers, and technical experts working in the minerals sector. It outlines environmental, human rights, and social issues associated with mining and mined products. The Framework explores state-of-the-art social and environmental improvements, providing …

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The exposure to and health effects of antimony

Antimony may enter the environment as a consequence of mining and processing of its ores and in the production of antimony metal, alloys, antimony oxide, and combinations with other substances. Antimony released from smelters may remain in particulate quantities in the air, some of which reaches the soil during rainfall where it attaches ...

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Toxicological Profile for Antimony and Compounds.

Antimony (Sb) is naturally present in the earth's crust at levels of about 0.2–0.3 mg/kg (ppm), but these levels vary by location (Telford et al. 2008). It can be transported into streams and waterways from natural weathering of soil, as well as from anthropogenic sources (EPA 1979; Mok and Wai 1990). Antimony enters the environment during the …

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