Slurry Seal /Micro-surfacing Paver Micro Surfacing : Micro Surfacing specially designed to maintain the existing pavement and repair the wheel-path ruts etc. Slurry Seal & Micro-Surfacing is a king of cold mixing and paving equipment. Materials are modified emulsion, aggregate, water, and other additives, properly proportioned, mixed and paved ...
Many pavement managers use a ⅛ inch (0.3 cm) rule-of-thumb, rather than ¼ inch (0.6 cm) rule of thumb when examining crack width in the possible application of crack seal and micro surfacing. To ensure success, the laboratory performing the mix design should be aware of your project's application and use.
Slurry Seal /Micro-surfacing Paver. Asphalt Distributor. Asphalt Sprayer. Binding Agent Spreader. Chip-spreader and Distributor. Asphalt Transport Tank. Bitumen Transportation Truck. Road Maintenance Equipment. Hot Mix Transporter. Crack Filling Equipment. Infrared Asphalt Repair. Tractor Broom. Crack Filling and Sealing Equipment(Road ...
Zhejiang Metong Road Construction Machinery Co.,ltd. ... +86-571-87760501 Fax: +86-571-87815510 Email: yuki@metong Contact person: Ms. Yuki Whatsapp: +86- ... Chip Sealer (2 in 1) Fiber Asphalt Chip Sealer (4 in 1) Trailer Asphalt Sealcoating Machine and Applicator. Slurry Seal /Micro-surfacing Paver. Asphalt …
Micro-Surfacing Paver LMT5310TXF is a Metong brand product newly-developed by Metong Corporation in 2009. In comparison to existing similar products locally, Metong LMT5310TXF is more efficient, reliable and has a long life span.
Micro-surfacing paver/slurry sealer; Asphalt distributor; Binding agent spreader/Cement spreader; Bitumen transportation tank; Asphalt road maintenance vehicle; Bitumen plant; Asphalt mixing plant; Other products; About; News; Case; Contact; Home; Products. ... yuki@metong +86-571-87177003 / +86-571-87760501
Micro-surfacing paver/slurry sealer; Asphalt distributor; Binding agent spreader/Cement spreader; Bitumen transportation tank; Asphalt road maintenance vehicle; Bitumen plant; ... Zhejiang Metong Road Construction Machinery Company has been a road equipment manufacturer, since 2001.
Metong is China Slurry Seal /Micro-surfacing Paver machine manufacturer, Slurry Seal /Micro-surfacing Paver is solution to reduce resistance, crack, rutting and deterioration on road surface. ... Zhejiang Metong Road Construction Machinery Co.,ltd. Add.: Room 2201, Building 2, Qiantang Aviation Mansion, No.66, Shimin Street, Hangzhou, China Zip ...
Slurry Seal /Micro-surfacing Paver. Asphalt Distributor. Asphalt Sprayer. Binding Agent Spreader. Chip-spreader and Distributor. Asphalt Transport Tank. Bitumen Transportation Truck. Road Maintenance Equipment. Hot Mix Transporter. Crack Filling Equipment. Infrared Asphalt Repair. Tractor Broom. Crack Filling and Sealing Equipment(Road ...
Zhejiang Metong Road Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. products: Asphalt Distributor, Slurry Seal Truck, Synchronous Chip Sealer, Road Maintenance Truck, Hot Recycling …
Asphalt Transport Tank Based on the study of other like products, we developed LMT9200GLB, LMT9250GLB, LMT9300GLQB and LMT9450GLB asphalt transport tanks to meet the needs of transporting asphalt during the construction.; Chip-spreader and Distributor The chip spreader has 10 gates. Each gate is controlled by the independent …
We are an experienced automatic asphalt distributor manufacturer and supplier in China. We are engaged in producing and developing a wide variety of pavement equipment. Our products include micro-surfacing, …
We specialize in producing road machinery, such as micro-surfacing machines, road maintenance trucks, rubber asphalt plants, etc.
Slurry Seal /Micro-surfacing Paver is the solution to reducing resistance, cracks, rutting and other deteriorations on the road surface. It is applied to enhance the road anti …
Micro-surfacing paver/slurry sealer; Asphalt distributor; Binding agent spreader/Cement spreader; Bitumen transportation tank; Asphalt road maintenance vehicle; Bitumen plant; Asphalt mixing plant; Other products; About; News; Case; Contact; Home; Products. Synchronous chip sealer; Micro-surfacing paver/slurry sealer; Asphalt distributor ...
Micro surfacing is a surface treatment designed to extend the life of asphalt pavements in good condition by providing skid resistance, restricting moisture intrusion, protecting the structure from further oxidation and raveling, and restoring a uniform black appearance.
LMT5255TXF Slurry Seal /Micro-surfacing Paver Equipment. ... Zhejiang Metong Road Construction Machinery Co.,ltd. Add.: Room 2201, Building 2, Qiantang Aviation Mansion, No.66, Shimin Street, Hangzhou, China Zip Code: 310009 Tel.: +86-571-87177003 +86-571-87760501 Fax: +86-571-87815510
Metong produces and sells road construction equipment, such as asphalt distributor, micro-surfacing paver, bitumen plant and rubber asphalt plant. Metong products are widely …
Chip spreader is mainly applied for the spreading work. It adopts the penetration method to spread the aggregate, powder, chips, grit, macadam and asphalt macadam to the prime coat, under sealing layer, chip seal …
Thank you for visiting the website of Zhejiang Metong Road Construction Machinery Company. We are a professional modified emulsion bitumen plant manufacturer in China, dedicated to producing and selling micro-surfacing, Chip Sealing Distributors and Equipment, asphalt distributor, road maintenance truck, bitumen plant and other road …
There are cost savings to be gained as well. Rather than spend $375,000/mile on major rehabilitation, you instead spend $10,000/mile on distress repair, have two micro-surfacing treatments spread out over a several-year period each at $50,000/mile, and many years down the line the surface would then need minor rehabilitation at $250,000/mile …
Metong is China bitumen transportation truck manufacturer, it is asphalt transport tank trailer of intelligent heat preservation. ... Zhejiang Metong Road Construction Machinery Co.,ltd. Add.: Room 2201, Building 2, Qiantang Aviation Mansion, No.66, Shimin Street, Hangzhou, China ... Slurry Seal /Micro-surfacing Paver. Asphalt Distributor ...
Micro surfacing is a low-impact process that extends road life by 6 to 8 years and improves skid resistance and appearance. It is a mixture of polymer-modified asphalt emulsion, aggregates, mineral filler and water …
About Metong. Zhejiang Metong Road Construction Machinery Company has been a road equipment manufacturer, since 2001. We are a product of Zhejiang Road Materials Company and Zhejiang Road Machinery Factory, and we are located in China. We specialize in producing road machinery, such as micro-surfacing machines, road …
Metong can provide micro-surfacing solutions as well as micro-surfacing paver and micro-surfacing equipment. ... rutting and other deteriorations on the road surface. It is applied to enhance the road anti-slippery performance, waterproofness, surface smoothness and driving comfort. ... Micro-Surfacing Paver LMT5310TXF is a Metong …
Micro-surfacing paver/slurry sealer; Asphalt distributor; Binding agent spreader/Cement spreader; Bitumen transportation tank; Asphalt road maintenance vehicle; Bitumen …
Micro-surfacing paver/slurry sealer; Asphalt distributor; ... which is a type of special-purpose machinery jointly developed and manufactured for construction of bitumen pavement by METONG, USA Phoenix, and Chang'An University, is widely applicable to new highway construction and old road maintenance, and it can spray/distribute …
We are engaged in producing and selling micro-surfacing, asphalt distributor, asphalt tank trailer, road maintenance truck, rubber asphalt plant and other pavement machinery, and have received ISO9001 certification. ... Zhejiang Metong Road Construction Machinery Co.,ltd. Add.: Room 2201, Building 2, Qiantang Aviation Mansion, No.66, Shimin ...
Zhejiang Metong Road Construction Machinery Company has been a road equipment manufacturer, since 2001. We are a product of Zhejiang Road Materials Company and Zhejiang Road Machinery Factory, and we are located in China. We specialize in producing road machinery, such as micro-surfacing machines, road maintenance trucks, rubber …
LMT5255TXF Slurry Seal /Micro-surfacing Paver Equipment LMT5256TXF Slurry Seal Equipment Binding Agent Spreader Cement spreader is designed for spreading cement and powder materials in the process of road reconstruction under cold-recycling technology, as well as spreading various soil stabilizing binders and other power materials.
Slurry Seal /Micro-surfacing Paver is the solution to reducing resistance, cracks, rutting and other deteriorations on the road surface. It is applied to enhance the road anti …
Zhejiang Metong Road Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. Add.: Room 2201, Building 2, Qiantang Aviation Mansion, No.66, Shimin Street, Hangzhou, China
Micro surfacing Paver/ Slurry seal is the plant, that is widely used in all levels road surface maintenance, new road surface water-proof propose and urban way, express way …
So what exactly is ' micro-surfacing '? It's a polymer-modified, cold-application paving system utilizing specialized equipment that apply high-quality aggregates to create a long-lasting wearing surface on good, …
Micro-surfacing paver/slurry sealer; Asphalt distributor; Binding agent spreader/Cement spreader; ... Metong actively participated in the Dubai International Engineering Exhibition from December 4th to 7th, becoming a focal point and drawing numerous attendees. ... dedicated to innovation in the field of road construction equipment, displayed ...
LMT5310TXF Micro-Surfacing Paver Micro-Surfacing Paver LMT5310TXF is a Metong brand product newly-developed by Metong Corporation in 2009. In comparison to existing similar products locally, Metong LMT5310TXF is more efficient, reliable and has a long life span. ... Zhejiang Metong Road Construction Machinery Co.,ltd. Add.: Room 2201, …