Milling is the only process step applied during chromite beneficiation that has been implicated in the possible generation of Cr(VI). However, only dry milling of chromite has been proven to generate Cr(VI) (Beukes and Guest, 2001, Glastonbury et al., 2010). Extreme grinding (i.e. pulverization), which is not a typical comminution technique ...
According to data from the International Chromium Development Association (ICDA), global chromite ore and concentrate production totaled 29.4 metric tons in 2014 (Richard, 2015).Data from the US Geological Survey (USGS) estimated world production in 2014 at 29 metric tons, with South Africa at 15 metric tons, followed by Kazakhstan at 4 metric …
The application of Terminalia chebula for removing Cr(VI) in chromite concentrate is found to be suitable method for using in continuous production process of …
Almost complete reduction of Cr(VI) in the chromite concentrate was achieved in ~ 12 min of incubation under the optimized conditions of pH ~ 7.0, 35 °C temperature and 60% pulp density with the ...
This manuscript focuses on the development of a process for bioremediation of chromite concentrate to reduce Cr (VI) using a native hexavalent chromium tolerant (2000 mg L − 1 Cr (VI) in Luria broth) Bacillus sp. isolated from chromite mine …
In this study, the possibility of chromium extraction from Turkish chromite concentrate and the production of chromium oxide were investigated. For the conversion of chromium(III) into chromium(VI), NaOH was employed, as well as air with a rate of 20
chromite content of 20.03% with silica as the major gangue measured at 33.50%. The iron oxide content assayed at 17.94%. The chromite content corroborates the research that was conducted by [4] which indicated that there is sufficient amount of chromite in tailings streams measuring between 9–20% Cr 2 O 3.
Research highlights High tailing losses from the existing chromite plants (9–20% Cr 2 O 3). Accumulation of huge amount of low and sub-grade fines (10–30% Cr 2 O 3). Utilization of stockpiled tailings containing chromite values. Concentrate with required Cr 2 O 3 content and Cr/Fe ratio. Unrecoverable ultrafine chrome particles.
InlEnllnllonmnnmnmoF zyxwvutsrqpo mmaua PRot ci5me ELSEVIER Int. J. Miner. Process. 50 (1997) 87-96 Investigation of chrome( VI) oxide production from chromite concentrate by alkali fusion Ciineyt Arslan *, …
A novel reduction reaction for extracting Cr 2 O 3 from chromite ores is demonstrated by excluding the formation of carcinogenic chromate (Cr 6+) intermediates.We have investigated in detail the underpinning high-temperature reduction reaction: FeCr 2 O 4 +Na 2 CO 3 +2[C]=[Fe]+Na 2 Cr 2 O 4 +3CO (g), which defines the …
Formation Of Sodium Chromate From Chromite Ore Concentrate and Soda Ash Briquetting And Factors Affecting Its Recovery. ... glassware-cleaning solutions, wood preservatives (Cr VI) manufacture of ...
A new leaching process for preparing chromium oxide from chromite was studied in this paper, using Cr(VI) extracted from the remediation treatment of chromite ore processing residue (COPR) as an oxidant. Thus, the "detoxification" of deposited COPR could be achieved and no new Cr(VI)-bearing substances would be generated in …
Chromite is a crystalline mineral composed primarily of iron(II) oxide and chromium(III) oxide compounds. It can be represented by the chemical formula of FeCr2O4. It is an oxide mineral belonging to the spinel group. The element magnesium can substitute for iron in variable amounts as it forms a solid solution with magnesiochromite (MgCr2O4). A …
Plant exposure to excess Cr-III or VI can negatively affect plant health and survival. It is still unclear whether Cr-III or Cr-VI is more toxic to plants. Chromium toxicity to plants has …
According to Elahi et al., 2020, Cr (VI) can be severely harmful to plants at concentrations as low as 5 mg/kg in soils and 0.5 mg/L in solution. Cr (VI) is linked to a …
Therefore, the ash obtained in this research is less dangerous to the environment and humans than in the case of products from incineration processes described by Velusamy et al., who reported the presence of Cr(VI) in the ash, or Kavouras et al., who reported the oxidation ratio from 74% to of Cr(VI)/Cr total, depending …
In this work, we investigated chromium extraction using a pyrometallurgical process and the subsequent production of nano-sized chromium oxide from Turkish chromite concentrate by assessing the effects of the base amount, fusion temperature, and fusion time on the chromium conversion.
However, only dry milling of chromite has been proven to generate Cr(VI) (Beukes and Guest, 2001; Glastonbury et al., ... during chromite concentrate beneficiation the milling step would be aimed only at liberating the chromite crystals from the gangue minerals. This is in contrast to the dry milling tests conducted by Beukes and Guest ...
The chromite concentrate was fused with KOH above 773 K under a flow of ambient air in order to oxidize Cr(III) to Cr(VI). ... The effective extracting Cr(VI) from chromite ore processing residue ...
III may be converted to mobile Cr-VI. Dry milling (grinding) of chromite ore is now known to convert Cr-III to Cr-VI and efforts are required to avoid producing and spreading hexavalent chromium during mining activity. Studies suggest that milling ores while wet or in a non-oxygenated atmosphere (i.e. nitrogen) will decrease Cr-VI formation.
Abstract. Chemical reduction combined with microbial stabilization is a green and efficient method for the remediation of hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) contaminated …
However, only dry milling of chromite has been proven to generate Cr(VI) (Beukes and Guest, 2001 ... during chromite concentrate beneficiation the milling step would be aimed only at liberating ...
Du Y, Chrysochoou M. Microstructural analyses of Cr(VI) speciation in chromite ore processing residue from the soda ash process. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020; …
Conversion was calculated based on the amount of Cr(VI) formed via oxidation of the Cr(III) from the chromite concentrate: (1) Conversion % = M Cr 6 + g / W g × 0.3345 × 100, Where, M Cr6 + is the quantity of hexavalent chromium dissolved in the solution in grams, W is the sample weight in grams, and 0.3345 is the measured fraction …
The chromite concentrate typically contains Cr(VI) in the range 2-5 mg Cr(VI) kg −1 depending upon the nature of ore deposit as reported by Kapure and Mohan Rao (2008). During the production of ...
Almost complete reduction of Cr (VI) in the chromite concentrate was achieved in ~ 12 min of incubation under the optimized conditions of pH ~ 7.0, 35 °C …
Hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI) presence in chromite concentrate is a concern due to its environmental unfriendly and carcinogenic nature. Chromite concentrates typically contain Cr(VI) in the range ...
In this study, the possibility of chromium extraction from Turkish chromite concentrate and the production of chromium oxide were investigated. For the conversion of chromium(III) into chromium(VI ...
Cr(VI) compounds can cause mild to severe liver abnormalities. Some Cr(VI) compounds, such as potassium dichromate and chromium xide, are caustic and irritating to gastrointestinal mucosal tissue. Ingestion of a lethal dose of chromate can result in cardiovascular collapse. Oral exposure to Cr(VI) compounds may result in hematological …
DOI: 10.1016/J.MINPRO.2013.05.011 Corpus ID: 96945255; Process optimization for bio-beneficiation of a chromite concentrate by a Cr(VI) reducing native microbe (Bacillus sp.) @article{Dhal2013ProcessOF, title={Process optimization for bio-beneficiation of a chromite concentrate by a Cr(VI) reducing native microbe (Bacillus sp.)}, …
Chromite ore processing tailings and low-grade manganese ores are typically considered waste due to their limited or negligible utility, leading to environmental and storage concerns. Researchers globally have explored various methods to utilize or upgrade these wastes, particularly because dumping chromite ore has been linked to …
This review examines the evidence of Cr (VI) as a neurotoxicant that targets mitotic cells of the brain and may contribute to various neurological disorders. It also …
The extracted chromium ore is typically processed to obtain high-grade chromite concentrate, which is then used in various industrial processes to produce chromium-based products. However, it's important to note that chromium ore mining and processing can have environmental and health impacts, as some chromium …
The chromium (Cr) content of stainless steel originates from recycled scrap and/or ferrochrome (FeCr), which is produced mainly by the carbothermic reduction of chromite ore.
2. Hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) effect on human health. Heavy metal contamination has become a severe environmental hazard worldwide in recent decades [25, 26].Hexavalent chromium [Cr (VI)] is a global environmental pollutant that increases the risk for several types of cancers and is increasingly being recognized as a …
imMnmwWn mmEL PRowsmG EISEVIER Int. J. Miner. Process. 50 (1997) 87-96 Investigation of chrome(VI) oxide production from chromite concentrate by alkali fusion Ceyt Arslan *, Ghan Orhan Istanbul Technical University, Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering Faculty, Metallurgical Engineering Department, 80626, Maslak, Istanbul, …