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High-purity ilmenite, forsterite, and actual ilmenite samples were obtained from Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province of China. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns are shown in Fig. S1, indicating that the mineral was mainly composed of ilmenite, forsterite, and anorthite.Samples with particle diameters ranging from 38 to 75 μm (-75 + 38 μm) …
The results show that ilmenite concrete is better than both ordinary and ilmenite—limonite concrete for γ ray attenuation, especially at deep penetration. Also it was concluded that ilmenite concrete with a density ϱ = 4.6 g/cm 3 is better than both ordinary and ilmenite—limonite concrete for slow neutron attenuation.
The microstructure of the samples was studied by SEM and the various observed phases were analyzed using the electron microprobe analyzer. The results are given in Fig. 2 and Table 2.Ilmenite analysis showed that the TiO 2 content of the IL-F sample varies from 47.64% to 48.71% (average 48.01%) which is lower than the …
The area of this deposit is near 9 square km and its estimated resource amounts to about 20 million tons of ilmenite, rutile and zircon minerals in total. The average concentration of the ilmenite, monazite, zircon and other matrix minerals is 66.7%, 2.3%, 2.8% and 28.3%, respectively . There is a very high content of both thorium and uranium ...
In the present work, the total mass attenuation coefficients μ/ρ have been calculated for the five ilmenite/epoxy composites using the XCOM program (version 3.1). The used XCOM program and database cross sections for elements ranging from Z=1 to 100 have been recently prepared to calculate the total mass attenuation coefficients for …
In recent years, the close relationship between uranium and Ti-Fe oxides in the sandstone-type uranium deposits has been extensively recognized. However, the altered characteristics of ilmenite and its relationship with uranium enrichment still remain unclear. With this paper based on heavy-mineral sorting of uranium ore selected from …
This work is concerned with the study of the attenuation properties of hematite-serpentine and ilmenite-limonite concretes for fast neutrons and γ-rays. Investigations were carried out using a collimated reactor beam of neutrons and γ-rays. ... particularly at low energies. This supports their potential use in medical and nuclear …
Basaltic volcanism on the Moon produced low- and high-Ti mare basalt suites that are also distinct with respect to their iron, titanium, and magnesium isotopic compositions. Here, the equilibrium fractionation of Fe and Ti isotopes between ilmenite and melt was experimentally investigated in order to evaluate the role of ilmenite in generating the …
Inst. of Nuclear Science and Technology + Show Author Affiliations. The shielding effectiveness of locally developed polyboron and ilmenite-magnetite (I-M) concrete is investigated using the reactor neutron beam of the 3-MW TRIGA Mark II research reactor at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Savar, Dhaka. The …
The ilmenite has likely been somewhat altered before mineralization, and the alteration intensifies by later exposure related to an oxygen-containing fluid. The …
Ilmenite is a natural mineral composed mainly of iron and titanium oxides, and it is commonly used in the CLC process. It has a high oxygen transport capacity and is …
fuels), nuclear energy minerals, are the 2015-16. Mineral and Energy Resources 77 Fig. 7.3 : India – Minerals (Non-Ferrous) 2015-16. 78 India : People and Economy They lie in Jharkhand-Bengal coal belt and the important coal fields in this region are Raniganj, Jharia, Bokaro, Giridih, Karanpura.
For shield design, neutrons and gamma rays are the main types of nuclear radiation, which have to be considered, since any shield attenuates that neutrons and gamma rays will be more effective for attenuating other radiations. ... Ilmenite fillers were prepared by crushing the ore, then sorting it via sieves into five groups of particulate ...
A study of the penetration of primary γ rays, secondary γ rays and slow neutrons through an ilmenite—limonite concrete shield (heat resistant concrete) and …
Ilmenite, rutile and leucoxene are the source mineral for titanium. ... Thorium is envisaged to be used as fuel in India's three-stage nuclear programme that can be turned into nuclear fuel ...
Additionally, Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (NRIXS) measurements on synthetic ilmenite were conducted and compared to previous NRIXS measurements on synthetic lunar glasses in order to derive temperature-dependent equilibrium ilmenite-melt Fe isotopic fractionations.
Equilibrium Fe isotopic fractionation factors between garnet, ilmenite, biotite, tourmaline and fayalite are determined. We also report Mg and Ti isotopic compositions of selected Moosilauke minerals that allow us to better constrain the equilibrium fractionation factors for garnet-biotite-tourmaline (Mg isotopes) and biotite-ilmenite (Ti ...
Ilmenite, iron-black, heavy, metallic oxide mineral, composed of iron and titanium oxide (FeTiO3), that is used as the major source of titanium. It forms solid-solution series with geikielite and pyrophanite in which …
This work deals with the study of ilmenite/epoxy composite as an injecting mortar for cracks developed in biological concrete shields, as well as, neutrons and …
In this paper, the goal is to select the most proper shield for a nuclear reactor to meet the radiation protection regulations. Two alternatives will be evaluated to …
Ilmenite and iron-rich glass react most rapidly and completely. Olivine is less reactive. Pyroxene is the least reactive iron-bearing phase in lunar soil. Figure 1. Oxygen release with time for lunar samples 74220 (volcanic class), 71131 (mare soil), 12032 (mare soil), and 62241 (highland soil), reacted in hydrogen at 1050°C. ...
Titanium, a strategic metal in demand in the nuclear power sector and the aerospace industry, is extracted from it. It is the ore ilmenite, and not thorium, that the "mining mafia" is after in the beach sands of Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Titanium, a strategic metal in demand in the nuclear power sector and the aerospace industry, is ...
Nuclear fusion could play an important role in meeting the demands of the Earth's energy future. Helium-3, a light ... At an energy level of 1 keV/amu, 3He particles are implanted into ilmenite about 26 nm deep and the other solar wind constituents are implanted between 14 and 32 nm deep [9]. Helium appears to be preferentially
Multiattribute utility theory (MAU) is here employed to evaluate two appropriate nuclear reactor shielding concretes in terms of effectiveness to determine the optimal …
What is Ilmenite? Ilmenite is a common accessory mineral in igneous rocks, sediments, and sedimentary rocks in many parts of the world. Apollo astronauts found abundant ilmenite in lunar rocks and the lunar regolith. Ilmenite is a black iron-titanium oxide with a chemical composition of FeTiO 3.. Ilmenite is the primary ore of titanium, a metal …
Also, iron and titanium could be produced from ilmenite to supply a future lunar aerospace industry, making attractive the exploration of this mineral. ... It would be feasible during lunar days using sunlight and nuclear power system. Figure 3 and Figure 4 shows that the process with Carbon Monoxide (CO) requires less temperature of the three ...
chemicals nuclear grade, ilmenite into TiO 2, monazite into Nd 2O3, and Th(OH) 4 concentrate, xenotime into Y 2O3, Gd 2O3, and Th(OH) 4 concentrate are obtained in one area of pilot plant or an integrated factory. The results of the study concluded that the concept of local processing of zircon sands containing monazite, xenotime, and
With the continuous development of nuclear technology, it is necessary to urgently solve the nuclear safety problem. γ-rays have a strong penetrating power. The γ-ray-shielding performance of ordinary concrete prepared with natural sand is weak and cannot meet the practical application of engineering. The γ-ray shielding performance of …
We also report Mg and Ti isotopic compositions of selected Moosilauke minerals that allow us to better constrain the equilibrium fractionation factors for garnet-biotite-tourmaline (Mg isotopes) and biotite-ilmenite (Ti isotopes). We show how the newly determined equilibrium fractionation factors can be used to address diverse problems in Earth ...
In the present work attempt has been made to estimate the shielding parameters of the new serpentine concrete (density = 2.4 g/cm 3) using local materials on the shielding parameters for two types of heat resistant concretes, namely hematite–serpentine (density = 2.5 g/cm 3) and ilmenite–limonite (density = 2.9 g/cm …
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Volume 23, Issue 1, January 1996, Pages 65-71. Technical note. Investigation of hematite-serpentine and ilmenite-limonite concretes for reactor radiation shielding. Author links open overlay panel I.I. Bashter 1, A.S. Makarious 2, A. El-Sayed Abdo 2. Show more. Add to Mendeley. Share.
5 Nuclear Engineering Department, Military Technical ... Initial results on ilmenite from small-drainage-basin tributaries dominated by one or two source-rock types known to contain ilmenite show ...
Nuclear power was assumed because analysis shows that it requires much less mass than solar power. Since the nuclear reactor uses about forty percent of the mass required for oxygen mining, a lower mass nuclear power design would ... ilmenite, low-pressure and high-pressure hoppers, a fluidized bed reactor, a hydrogen recycling system, water ...
This work deals with the study of ilmenite/epoxy composite as an injecting mortar for cracks developed in biological concrete shields, as well as, neutrons and gamma rays attenuation. Effects of the particle size on the mechanical strengths have been ... El-Sayed Abdo et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 30 (2003) 175–187 187 3—A composite ...
the population in the environment of a nuclear power plant, calculations may statistically consider the ... In the ilmenite chemical processing, it has been reported that 77% of the initial Thorium activity end up in the iron oxide waste and 18% will go into synthetic rutile [12]. Apparently from figure 3, the