* These Regulations which have been made under section 25 of the Mines, Boring and Quarries Act (Ch. 61:01) repealed by this Act shall be deemed to be made under this Act ... Hours of work for persons over sixteen and under eighteen. 39. Hours of work for adults. 40. Protective gear. 41. Sanitary and medical equipment. 42. Interpretation. PART ...
Back Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act and Regulations (20/1973) [Botswana]
Summary / Citation: Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Regulations 1978. No. 127. (Part XIII) "Manager to ensure adequate precautions The manager shall ensure that adequate precautions are taken to prevent the outbreak of fire and shall enforce a code of safety practice for the installation, operation and maintenance of plant, machinery and …
As illustrated in the Mines, Quarries Works and Machinery Act (CAP 44:02 article 41 & 43). Botswana Red Cross Society is recognized to grant Mining First Aid Certificates to allow the holders to operate both underground and on the surface. Botswana Red Cross Society offers: Basic First Aid Training; Advanced First Aid Training; Silver Medal
GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. EXTRAORDINARY. Vol. XVI, No. 59. GABORONE. 1st November. 1978. CONTENTS. P«?e. The following Supplement is …
MINES, QUARRIES, WORKS AND MACHINERY Part ID: V Regulations (s 11) CHAPTER: 44:02 11. Regulations (1) The Minister may make regulations for the better carrying out of the objects and purposes of this Act and for giving effect to its principles and provisions, and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, such ...
the mining companies in the formulation of mine closure plans. Listed below is relevant legislation to mine closure and the relevance is explained in Table 1 which follows. • Mines and Minerals Act (Cap 66:01 of the Laws of Botswana). • Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act (Cap 44:02 of the Laws of Botswana).
The Mines and Works Act 27 of 1956 aims: to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the operating of mines and works and of machinery used in connection therewith. Commencement. 4 May 1956. Amendments. Amended by General Law Third Amendment Act 129 of 1993; Amended by Transfer of Powers and Duties of the State President Act …
(1) This Act shall apply to all factories, including any factories or other premises owned or occupied by the Government, but shall not apply to mines and quarries as defined in the Mines, Works and Machinery Act, No. 61 of 1960.
The Mines and Minerals Act No. 17 of 1999 regulates the mines and non-oil minerals sector of Botswana. It was amended in 2007 by the Amendment Act No. 19 of 2007. …
UNION GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, 4TH MAY, 1956. 55 2. The Government Mining Engineer and, subject to his Oflic!al supervision directions, inspectors of mines, inspectors of machinery, of mmes, :works · mspectors o f exp 1 os1ves · an d h ot er o ffi cers appomte · d b h y t e and machmery. Governor-General under section six of the …
Regulation 2 of the Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Regulations (hereinafter referred as " the Regulations") is amended by substituting, for the definition …
Download the PDF of the Act that regulates the safety, health and welfare of persons engaged in prospecting, mining and quarrying operations in Botswana. The Act covers the administration, inspection, accidents, regulations, rules, offences and penalties of mines, …
THE MINES ACT, 1952 (Act No. 35 of 1952 ) (15 March, 1952) (As modified upto 1983) An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to the Regulation of labour and safety in mines Be it enacted by Parliament as follows :- CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent and commencement – (1)This Act may be called the Mines Act, 1952.
A PDF document of the subordinate legislation under the Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act of Botswana. It contains the regulations for the management, control, …
When any mine, quarry or works or part of a mine, quarry or works is worked for more than seven days except under the control and supervision of a manager, the holder, owner …
He added that mines were further regulated by the act together with the Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act to ensure mines met the required environmental, social and governance compliance standards. Furthermore, Mr Moagi said where there was non-compliance with ESG standards, government took primary liability …
workplace, the provisions of this Act shall apply as if the owner or occupier of the workplace were the occupier of the factory and the persons working therein were persons employed in the factory. (5) No premises to which the provisions of the Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act
Fencing of exposed parts of machinery. 78. Engines below ground. 79. Air, gas and steam containers. 80. ... Limit of hours of work below ground in mines. 114. Register of times of descent and ascent. ... MINES AND QUARRIES ACT, 1965. AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE, WITH AMENDMENTS, ENACTMENTS RELATING TO MINES AND QUARRIES. ...
Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act. EN. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian česk ...
The Natural Resource Governance Institute is an independent, non-profit organization that supports informed, inclusive decision-making about natural resources and the energy …
MINES, QUARRIES, WORKS AND MACHINERY ACT This document is part of the source library for NRGI's 2017 Resource Governance Index, a comprehensive measure of the quality of natural resource governance in oil, gas and mineral-rich countries. To access the full dataset and all other index ...
An Act to make fresh provision with respect to the management and control of mines and quarries and for securing the safety, health and welfare of persons employed thereat; to regulate the employment thereat of women and young persons; to require the fencing of abandoned and disused mines and of quarries; and for purposes connected with the …
Mines And Quarries (Tips) Act 1969 is up to date with all changes known to be in force on or before 19 August 2024. ... produce evidence of his authority before so entering and may take with him on to the land such other persons and such equipment as may be ... A local authority in Scotland may execute outside their area any works which …
Mine managers control, direct, plan and coordinate mining production activities. They have statutory responsibility for safety and are also responsible for environmental impact. They oversee the acquisition, …
THE MINES ACT, 1952 (Act No. 35 of 1952 ) (15 March, 1952) (As modified upto 1983) An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to the Regulation of labour and safety in mines Be it enacted by Parliament as follows :- CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent and commencement – (1)This Act may be called the Mines Act, 1952.
Health and Safety at Work (Mining Operations and Quarrying Operations) Regulations 2016 (LI 2016/17) ... has made editorial and format changes to this version using the powers under subpart 2 of Part 3 of the Legislation Act 2019. ... Standards for equipment for raising and lowering mine workers, coal, minerals, and materials. …
Mines Quarries Works and Machinery - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document establishes regulations for mines, quarries, and related works and machinery in Botswana. It outlines the appointment of inspectors and officers to oversee safety and operations. It also establishes a safety committee to …
Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act (Chapter 44:02) This Act specifically governs health and safety in the mining, quarrying, and related industries. It contains detailed requirements on structural safety in mines, ventilation and dust control, electrical equipment safety, use and storage of explosives, and health surveillance.
© The State of Queensland (Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel) 2014-2024 (Ver. 2.7.20 Rev. 7491)
-Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act 1973. No. 20. -Factories Act 1973. No. 31. A.2.3 Safety In Debswana Mining(Statistics) The fatality that occurred at the Fine Residue Disp osal project in ...
Mining law in Botswana is primarily governed by the Mines and Minerals Act, CAP 66:01 of the Laws of Botswana (the "MMA") and the subsidiary legislation …
30-10-2017· Chapter 4402 mines quarries works and. and regulation of mines, quarries, works, and of machinery used in connection therewith, and for matters incidental thereto.date of commencement 1st november, 1978 part i preliminary ss 1-2 1.short title this act may be cited as the mines, quarries, works and machinery act.2.interpretation in ...
Mines, Quarries, Works and Machinery Act; and the Botswana Geoscience Institute Act [Cap 67:02]. The regulation of mining in Botswana covers activities relating to the prospecting and extraction of minerals such as diamonds, copper-nickel-cobalt matte, copper in concentrates,
Mining law in Botswana is primarily governed by the Mines and Minerals Act, CAP 66:01 of the Laws of Botswana (the "MMA") and the subsidiary legislation made pursuant to this Act. Other relevant legislation includes the Mines, Quarries, Works and Machineries Act, CAP 44:02 of the Laws of Botswana (which relates to the health and
The Natural Resource Governance Institute is an independent, non-profit organization that supports informed, inclusive decision-making about natural resources and the energy transition.