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copper refining with tbrc

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10 | SECONDARY SMELTING Refractory solutions for …

Refractory solutions for high production returns. The capability to produce high quality copper wire from cheaper, dirtier scrap can improve considerably the profitability of …

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Melting and refining furnaces

Melting, refining and casting of copper scrap with possible additional liquid charging to anode or FRHC copper. ... it is possible to charge liquid material via launders from recycling of lower grade material in a BlueSmelter or TBRC (Top Blown Rotary Converter). The units can also be offered "H2-ready", enabling CO2- reduced copper ...

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The TBRC as a unit with a promising future for secondary …

The TBRC as a unit with a promising future for secondary copper plants. Plants for copper winning from secondary raw material in their conventional structure are operating with …

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Unlock the value of Waste Electrical and Electronic …

copper refining technology covers the entire process based on highly proven equipment and pre-engineered solutions. Our technology enables sustainable and economically viable copper electrorefining for both new and existing operations. Benefits: • Complete copper refinery design covering tankhouse, solution

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Copper Anode Furnace: Chemical, Mineralogical and Thermo …

The pyrometallurgical copper production route typically involves a three-step process from feed to anode: (s)melting, converting and fire refining.1 Two types of furnace are in use in the refining section: the rotary furnace type dominates in primary copper production, while secondary smelters tend to use hearth refining furnaces …

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The TBRC as a unit with a promising future for …

The TBRC as a unit with a promising future for secondary copper plants H. Bussmann Huttenwerke Kayser Aktiengesellschaft, Lunen, Germany ... this operation copper refining scrap is added - the slag from this process is also returned to the blast furnace. The reached. Besides energy requirements for

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Top Blown Rotary Converter

The Top Blown Rotary Converter (TBRC) is a pyrometallurgical furnace that can be used for the recovery, upgrade and refining of metals; this includes: Multi-purpose melting; Recovery of metals such as iron, copper and zinc from slags and process wastes; Recovery of precious metals from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

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Recycling solutions for non-ferrous metals

The fire refining furnaces used for the anode production line are either tilting refining furnaces (TRF) or elliptic tilting refining furnaces (ETRF), optionally expanded with a top blown rotary converter (TBRC). Tilting refining furnaces are based on an improved scrap charging system and, optionally, semiautomatic skimming that keeps the ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Processing of Complex Materials in the Copper Industry: …

TBRC for copper conversion. Anode furnace. Example 3: Ust-Kamenogorsk Metallurgical Complex10,24,25. ... Copper smelter and refinery with a copper cathode production capacity of 70,000 tpa. A precious metal plant is also integrated into the base metal operation to produce gold and silver. The Ust-Kamenogorsk metallurgical complex …

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Copper and non-ferrous metals

TBRC capacities are offered for a working volume of up to 25 m3. Our top blown rotary converter (TBRC) is a general purpose unit for copper and non ferrous metallurgy. One …

  • منتوجات جديدة
10 | SECONDARY SMELTING Refractory solutions for …

Copper Worldwide Vol 7 No 4 10 | SECONDARY SMELTING Refractory solutions for high production returns ... (TBRC), refining furnace (PolyRefine), casting wheel, electrolysis, gas cleaning plants, and the automation. SMS group will provide the engineering, supervise

  • منتوجات جديدة
Pyrometallurgical Processing of Secondary Lead …

Top Blown rotary converters (TBRC), often named Kaldo converters, were originally applied to the refining of iron into steel in the 1960s. Nowadays, the process is used primarily to refine non-ferrous …

  • منتوجات جديدة
BlueMetals Technology – New Milestone in WEEE …

Semi products Raw copper Raw copper Black copper/ Raw copper Further optional refining ... converting step of the TBRC is complete, the liquid raw copper produced therein is added to the

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Copper Scrap

These types of copper scrap usually have to be refined to obtain the quality required. Refinery brass has a minimum of 61.3% copper and a maximum of 5% iron; it consists of brass and bronze solids as well as alloyed and contaminated copper scrap. Copper alloy scrap can be classified by type of alloy or by its end use.

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Copper Recycling

Several of the more recently built plants are using bath smelting with top-submerged lance Isasmelt/Ausmelt technology or top blown rotary converters …

  • منتوجات جديدة
BlueTechnology – a new benchmark in non-ferrous …

melting, refining and casting of copper scrap in one flexible unit. The copper scrap is charged in form ... Developed in the 1930s, the TBRC smelts and converts a variety of primary and secondary ...

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Aurubis builds recycling plant in the US and sets …

Aurubis AG, a multimetal provider, will invest € 300 million in a recycling plant in Augusta, Georgia, to process complex metal-bearing materials into blister copper. The plant is expected to generate € 80 …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Metallurgical Process for Total Recovery of All Constituent Metals …

The common pyrometallurgical route of precious metal recovery from copper anode slimes involves multistep processing, including smelting in a Dore furnace, TBRC or similar furnaces, pyro-refining, electrorefining and separation of the metals [14, 15]. The enriched slimes are first dried and then fed to the furnace together with fluxes, dusts ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Copper Scrap Recycling-Metal Recycling-

Copper Scrap Recycling. Group. Copper Scrap. Smelting and Processing Process. Product. A. High grade copper scrap (Cu>98%) Shaft furnace smelting + heat holding furnace + continuous casting + continuous rolling. High conductivity copper rod; copper plate and copper foil. B. Brass Scrap. Induction furnace melting and component …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Converters for non-ferrous metals

The portfolio of converter processes is widely spread and mainly depends on the specific requirements of the metallurgical process. The most commercially important form is the treatment of molten metal sulfides to produce crude metal and slag, as in the case of copper and nickel converting. We offer units such as Top Blown Rotary Converter …

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TBRC Copper Scrap 10 MAERZ COPPER DIVISION Wheel Refining Anode Cathode Processing Tilting Furnace = Andritz MAERZ's Scope of Supply. ... Mixture rate of the copper melt during the refining period after 23 seconds: 38 Company presentation March 2009 Reverberatory Furnace : 4,0 % Anode Rotary Furnace : 19,2 % Elliptic Furnace : …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Recycling Technology

In a top blown rotary converter (TBRC) the copper content is further enriched to 95 % and tin and lead are separated into a slag. The tin-lead slag is subsequently processed into a …

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Black Copper

Black copper is the product of low grade copper scrap or WEEE/PCB by simple smelting. The composition of black copper is very complicated and impurities has to be removed by fire-refining in order to get copper anode possible for further processing by electro-refining to produce standard copper cathode and byproduct anode slime.

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Waste Copper Scrap Recycling-Copper-

Recycling of copper scrap greatly reduces natural resource exploration as an alternative source of copper metallurgy and has big advantage in investment, production cost and off-gas treatment, thus making the copper scrap smelting projects remunerative. However, due to the wide source range, the copper scrap is classified as per its grade, to be treated …

  • منتوجات جديدة
The TBRC as a unit with a promising future for secondary …

Plants for copper winning from secondary raw material in their conventional structure are operating with the aggregates blast furnace, converter, refining furnace, and refining electrolysis.

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Copper Dross

Focusing on high demand of precious metal recovery and large treatment amount, Metalcess offers solution of TBRC smelting + lead distillation & gold metal extraction. ... Anode slime is a byproduct of copper or lead electro-refining process and found in electrolytic cell bottom or on the anode scrap surface. The copper anode slime and lead ...

  • منتوجات جديدة
Hindustan Copper Limited

Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL), a public sector undertaking under the administrative control of the Ministry of Mines, was incorporated on 9th November 1967. It has the distinction of being the nation's only vertically integrated copper producing company as it manufactures copper right from the stage of mining to beneficiation, …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Copper and non-ferrous metals

Our top blown rotary converter (TBRC) is a general purpose unit for copper and non­ ferrous metallurgy. One central feature of the TBRC is its consistently high melting and refining efficiency. Typical input ma­ terials are copper scrap, WEEE scrap of different qualities, especially printed cir­ cuit boards, dust, slag, lead production al­

  • منتوجات جديدة
Copper Anode Slime Recovery-Copper-

Metalcess provide anode slime pressure leaching,small capacity TBRC smelting,separating lead from gold by vacuum distillation, etc. Contact Us; Chinese | English; Metal Extracting | Ore Beneficiation ... Anode slime is a byproduct from copper or lead electro-refining process. The copper/lead anode slime usually contain As, Sb, Bi and precious ...

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Ames Copper Group

The AMES Copper Group process is considered a secondary copper refinery and consists of a pyrometallurgical process to transform scrap copper into copper anodes with over 99.7% pure copper. ... Copper …

  • منتوجات جديدة
Copper Recycling

Several of the more recently built plants are using bath smelting with top-submerged lance Isasmelt/Ausmelt technology or top blown rotary converters (TBRC)/Kaldo or a combination of submerged lance and TBRC for smelting and refining. Processing and recycling of copper is extensively described in a recent publication by Langner …

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Copper Scrap Recycling-Metal Recycling-

Metalcess provides high grade copper scrap directly producing hot-rolled electrical grade copper rod, and for low grade copper scrap providing TBRC smelting, copper electrorefining to produce LME-1 copper cathode.

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BlueMetals Technology—Experience from Commissioning E …

For a further processing of the copper alloy, a tailor-made top blown rotary converter (TBRC) as a converting and refining unit is applied. The process is designed for converting "black copper" to "raw copper" and for separating heavy metals, e.g. lead and tin for a further processing.

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Precious Metals

25 rowsThe top-blown rotary converter (TBRC) is a general-purpose unit for copper …

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Copper Anode Slime

Metalcess provide PM recovery≥99.6%, TBRC mini-scale smelting system to recover precious metal and rare metal from anode slime,WEEE/PCB/IC,copper scrap and gold-silver refining ash/slag/residue. Lead-refining Dross

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Top Blown Rotary Converter (TBRC) Smelting-Metal …

Metalcess provide PM recovery≥99.6%, TBRC mini-scale smelting system to recover precious metal and rare metal from anode slime,WEEE/PCB/IC,copper scrap and gold-silver refining ash/slag/residue. Top Blown Rotary …

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