Community mining schemes, first rolled out by the IMCIM and later integrated into the NAELP, have been central to recent government efforts. These schemes aim to bolster …
People in mining communities as rational beings, also tend to realize maximum economic gain from available resources in response to the notion of economic diversification. The extraction of as a valuable resource to …
I carried out fieldwork between December 2020 and May 2021 in three mining communities in Ghana: Wassa Akropong, Bogoso and Gbane. ... (illegal mining). The second problem is another kind of ...
Mining-induced displacement and resettlement is an important development issue because it significantly influences the livelihoods and sustainability of mining communities. This study seeks to assess the effects of mining-induced displacement and resettlement on the livelihoods of s in selected mining communities in …
While the misuse of psychoactive substances among young adults in small-scale mining communities of Ghana's Western Region is a cause for concern, little evidence based on empirical research is known about the challenges faced by parents of young adults engaged in psychoactive substance misuse.
The Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) problems in Ghana are very challenging, especially as they become intensified and difficult to solve day-by-day. Currently, ASM activities have seriously affected the lands and waterbodies in fourteen (14) out of the sixteen (16) regions in Ghana. ... popularly known in the local parlance as ...
Although lower prices and higher costs are a concern for Ghana's mining industry, the Mining Commission's re-evaluation of prospecting licences could add some momentum and set the scene for a welcome revival and new lease of life for private operators. Ghana is the continent's second biggest gold miner after South Africa, …
The environmental problems faced by mining communities in Ghana have continued for more than a decade now, even after these recommendations have been created (Darimani et al. 2013; Tuokuu et al. 2018). While those recommendations have been proposed for a long period of time, they are still quite important currently, and yet …
The mining industry has been crucial to the development of Ghana. As with all industries, mining has both advantages and disadvantages for the inhabitants of mineral-rich communities.
The mining industry has been crucial to the development of Ghana. As with all industries, mining has both advantages and disadvantages for the inhabitants of mineral-rich communities.
Over a decade after these prescriptive recommendations, environmental problems in Ghana continue to persist especially in mining communities (Mireku-Gyimah, 2011, Darimani et al., 2013). Although these recommendations were suggested over a decade ago, they are still very relevant today and if implemented, some of the …
The rapid loss of vegetation cover poses a great threat to the climate ambitions of Ghana. Illegal mining heavily impacts deforestation in Ghana as the country lost 60% of its primary forest cover in 2018 – which was the highest in the world. The failure to reclaim the land after mining poses great risks to community members.
Abstract. This review examines the impact of mining on the Ghanaian economy from 1992 to 2020. The purpose of the study is to comprehensively analyse the effects of mining on economic growth,...
The legislative framework for the mineral sector in Ghana is the minerals and mining act 703 of 2006. Under the provision of the law, no person has the authority to conduct reconnaissance, prospecting, exploration, or mining in Ghana unless the person has a mining license (Ofosu-Mensah, 2010; Benmudez-Lugo, 2016).
After series of surveys conducted in mining communities within the Diaso Area programme, World Vision noticed that small-scale mining was the most common economic activity that youth engaged in. Due to financial constraints, some could not further their education, and others could not fend for themselves due to unemployment and thus, had …
State of human rights in mining communities in Ghana – The CHRAJ Report. In 2006, following several complaints of human rights violations in some mining communities in …
The case of Ghana's mining sector policy has been different. The lack of a robust environmental policy framework and a strong reliance on unimplemented state …
Agriculture is a crucial component of Ghana's economy which contributes around 20% to its Gross Domestic Product, provides employment for almost half its workforce, and supplies two-thirds of the raw materials used in its manufacturing sector (excluding oil). Cocoa, the country's major cash crop and principle agricultural export, …
Industrial mining projects can play an important role in global sustainable development if associated health risks are minimised and opportunities maximised. While a broad body of evidence from quantitative studies exists that establishes the interlinkages between mining operations and effects on public health, little research has been …
The difference in health levels between urban and rural communities in the face of mining activities is not a result of rural communities having a health advantage over urban communities. Instead, residents of urban communities have a smaller chance of being directly exposed to harsh environments resulting from mining than rural …
Obuasi the host community of the oldest mining site in Ghana is the case study. The study conducted a broad meta-analysis of all the types of capitals available in Obuasi that are essential to ...
government has not been effective in alleviating community conflict in Ghana's mining districts. Research Problem. Since the mid-1980s, Ghana's gold sector has expanded …
This can lead to water conflict between mining operations and agricultural communities. Compounding the problem of mining for greener energy materials to combat climate change, are the very effects of climate change. According to the Chilean government, the country has suffered 13 years of the worst drought in history.
This paper examines the environmental impacts of small-scale gold mining in Ghana, and prescribes a series of recommendations for improving environmental performance in the industry. Since the enactment of the Small Scale Gold Mining Law in 1989, which effectively legalized small-scale gold mining in the country, industrial operations,
This paper aims to explore the motivations and challenges of engaging host communities in CSR practices within the context of Newmont Ahafo Mines (NAM), a subsidiary of a Multinational Mining Enterprise (MNE) operating in Ghana's mining sector. This paper draws insights from stakeholder theory and interviews conducted with …
The Process Net-Map showed that CSOs and NGOs, such as SOLIDARIDAD, A Rocha Ghana, Wassa Communities Affected by Mining (WACAM), Tropenbos and Friends of the Nation are indeed active at the mine operation level, sensitizing miners and mining host communities towards dealing with the potential …
With the inception of an Economic Recovery Programme (ERP) by the government in 1983, Ghana's minerals and mining sector has seen a major resurgence over the past one and a half decades.
In Ghana, there are about 300 registered small-scale mining groups and they constitute a major source of employment especially for small-scale gold and diamond miners, and contribute some foreign ...
This research was conducted in Kenyasi the district capital of Asutifi north district of Ghana to examine the impact of illegal mining on public health A total of 200 respondents were contacted for essential information of which 1oo lives close to mines and other 100 lives far away from mining communities; we identified the former ...
Artisanal small-scale mining has been practised in Ghana for over a century. In 2018, small-scale miners generated 2.1 million ounces of gold, accounting for 43.1% of total gold production in the ...
Ghana, like most resource-rich countries, is saddled and inundated with resource curse challenges. Key among them is the problem of illegal small-scale gold mining activities (ISSGMAs), which is mercilessly robbing the nation of its ecological integrity, despite attempts by successive governments to remedy the situation. In the …
The problems with artisanal mining in Ghana are well-known, and I saw them first-hand. What's missing in finding a solution? This is the image I saw as soon as I got out of the car. We had just arrived in one of the coastal communities of Shama District in the Western Region of Ghana.
mining communities in Ghana, the CHRAJ organized public hearings in selected districts in the country where mining activities take place. Following these public hearings, a team of investigators from the Commission undertook ... that access to water is a problem in many mining communities. The report noted in particular, that:
Major Problems Facing Ghana Today . The Republic of Ghana (or "Ghana" for short), is a beautiful West African country bordering the Republic of Burkina Faso to the north, the Republic of Togo to the east, the Republic of Ivory Coast to the West and the Atlantic Ocean(Gulf of Guinea) to the south. ... cities and towns and the total lack of it in ...
These actions have faced criticism for hindering efforts to formalise the small-scale mining sector ... For the environment: an assessment of recent military intervention in informal gold mining communities in Ghana. Land Use Pol., 96 (2020), Article 104706, 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104706.